Saturday, June 26, 2010

What did you say?

Yes I have a hearing problem and at times it can cause a few laughs. On my Dad’s side of the family there is a history of bad hearing, so I come by the hearing problem genetically. However, there is even another reason.

I was in ROTC in college, not because I was that patriotic, but because Eastern Michigan University was a land grant college and every red blooded American male student was required to take two years of ROTC.

One of the things you had to do in ROTC, if you were in the advanced corp. , was to fire a M-1 rife for record, of which I did. It was a hot spring day in Michigan and everyone, including me, wanted to get the shooting over with. To make that happen, instead of having the shooters 20 feet apart we where put 5 feet apart and in those days there was no hear protection.

You guessed it all I heard for the next 3 weeks was ringing. I didn’t want to tell the Army of my problem, so I went to my family Doctor and he prescribed something that would stimulate the blood flow in my ear. After a few weeks the ringing went away, but that was too late for hearing what was going on in my course lectures. As you might thing I had my worse grades in my college career that semester.

Some years later I had a very sour throat and went to a eye, nose and throat doctor. It didn’t take him long to tell me that I had a bad hearing problem and should consider a hearing aid.

The hearing aid worked good and I finally knew what people were saying. One person had a problem with it at first and that was Micki, my wife. You see she liked to make remarks to me about what I was doing and at times they could be pretty snide, but it didn’t bother me, because I didn’t hear them until I got the hearing aid.
When I told Micki that I could hear her snide remarks, she said “I am not sure I am going to like the hearing aid. “ She did find a way around me hearing he remarks. Either she would turn on the garbage disposal or put her head in the refrigerator.

Now I am at an age that my friends hearing have started to weaken. When you around us and listen to us you can get some healthy laughs.

Here is how our conversation may sound like. Mike tells me that it is windy today! I answer by saying “No, it Thursday. And Doug says.”So am I ! Let’s have a beer!
As you can see we are all at the point where we have to say “What did you say.”

Happiness with health and wealth to you


David H. Lindemann is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

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