Saturday, July 31, 2010

Being with special people

When your’ with special people it does some positive things to you and here is what it does to me. It makes me feel good. Special people are normally givers in the sense go out of their way to help other.

Normally they have a special gift, meaning they are very good at something and will use that skill to enrich others. These types of special people don’t have to look for friends because everyone is their friend.

We all have special friends and can see the good they do in the world. Maybe we should let them know how much we appreciate what they do. Now they are not looking for fro award and or honors are stolid on them, but I think a comforting word from you would certainly make their day.

Even better ask if you can help them. You see they normally don’t get much help. Even if they say no, it is the intention that is important. One thing you can do and that is to tell other what wonderful things this special person is doing.
Let others know that if the world had more special people like your friend that world would be a much better place. As the story spreads about the wonderful things you special friend is doing there becomes more awareness to the issue and from that more good starts to be done.

It amazing to me how the word of mouth can have such positive impact, now you might say there are a lot of bad things that are said and I’ll agree with you. But, bad things don’t have any staying power and quickly forgotten. Positive things done by special people keep growing and move others to get involved.

When you get involved you become one of those special people and you start making the world a better place

Happiness with health and wealth to you


David H. Lindemann is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

You want to feel good

Today I got a call from Mike, my across the street neighbor. Mike is a man of little word and he was no different on this call. Here is what Mike said “My daughter on our vacation read your book “Happiness in eight steps” and she loved it.”
She would like to meet you. Do you have any time and I said yes. He also let me know that she somehow felt special have an author for a neighbor. I am now having problems keep from my head on.

Yes I have had people let me know that they enjoyed reading it and some have told me that they have read it more than a couple of times, but have my neighbors daughter, Cassie, be so excited made me feel real good.

I went to my office and got Cassie a fresh copy of “Happiness in eight steps” and signed it for her. I have card that have the eight steps on them, so I took some of them along to give her.

I went across the street and knocked on the front door, there was no door bell. I heard Mike’s booming voice say come on in. The door was unlocked so I opened it and walked in.

There was Mike and his daughter setting at the dining room table. Mike motioned to set down, so I did. Cassie just kept looking at me, but didn’t say anything. She had told her Dad, Mike, that she recognized my photo on the back of my book. You see it pay to advertise.

Cassie accepted my book with a big smile. Now she had her own book, signed by me, that she could let her friends read. Cassie also took the cards with the eight steps to happiness on them. She never said a thing she just held the book and smiled.

I left Mikes house a very happy man and hoped my book would have that kind of impact on all those that read it. That would make me feel real good.
Happiness with health and wealth to you


David H. Lindemann is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Rock concert

This was a big one, our grandson Jake, was in his first rock concert. Yes Micki and I were there. Actually it was quite organized. It was supposed to start at 6:00 PM and it started at 6:20 PM. When we would go see Jake’s dad’s concerts if they started two hours late that was good, so we were very happy with them just began 20 minutes late.

Jake’s group played 4 songs. Jake played the drums in two songs, was the leads singer in one and played the base in the last song. He did one of his dad’s tricks and stood on something high and at the end of the last song he jumped down to make a big impression on the crowd and it did. Micki and I held our breath tell he was safely on the ground on two feet.

I recorded the concert with a super duper record, but haven’t listened to it yet. I think I am a little nervous what I’ll hear. I also took some video and more than likely won’t win any awards, but I’ll put it on you tube for everyone to see.

It is hard to be grandparents to a rock star, but I think will learn how to live with it, but we are looking forward to traveling the world on Jake’s private jet.
Ok is just a dream, but dreams are good and who know they might come true.

Tomorrow Jake turns back into a pulling guard in the 100 Lb. tackle football league. Last year his team made to the county super bowl for the 90 Lb. only to lose in the super bowl.

Jake’s Uncle Todd is going to be at Jake’s first game Aug. 7. This is a big deal for Jake because Uncle Todd was an all conference football play in college and Jake wants to be like Uncle Todd.

We don’t know when Jake will have another Rock Concert, but when it does will let you know.

Happiness with health and wealth to you


David H. Lindemann is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I started something, but there is nothing but issues

Today I said I was going to set up Quicken so I can pay bills online. This is supposed to be real easy, for most people, but not for me. First of all I have put off doing this for over a year. Why I don’t know, but I did.
One reason is I thought I was so busy I couldn’t take the time so set Quicken so I could pay on line. Now I must say my schedule is pretty full, but to take an hour of my time are you kidding. Yes I was kidding myself and I admit it, so today I told myself that this was going to be the day to activate Quicken so I could pay bills online.
Everything seemed to go fine. The first thing had to do is selected that bank I was going to use. That worked OK. Then there were questions like where I was born. I know that answer. Then they wanted the name of our first son. There I had a fifty chance because we have two boys and I was pretty sure of his name.
I passed that part of the questioning. I was feeling real good. Know I was asked to create a user ID. I wanted to make sure I had a real good user ID so I spent some time thinking about it. Finally the light went on in the old brain and decided on a user ID.
Now I was asked to create a password. You know passwords are very important so I put the old brain to work. I first wrote down about five. I did this where no one good see them. I then narrowed the password selection down to three and then to two ads finally I chose the password that I thought would be hard to break, but easy for me to remember.
Now it asked me to sign up so I started. It said go to, so that is what I did. Then the issues started coming. A Big sign poppet up on the screen that said retry. So I retried and retried.
I am now at wits end I called the help number. After having to push one for that and two for this, I got to a real human. When I told him my problem and told me if I go to all my problems are over.
Will it didn’t quite work out that way. I couldn’t get to and that was after several attempts, so it was back to help. Now I had to go through the same thing, push this and then that. Finally I got a human. I told the human my issues and he asked what browser I was using. I told him and he said we have been having problems with that one so try another, which I did, still but no
Back to help, I won’t go through the push button stuff now I am telling this person my issue, after a fairly long pause I was told the there is problem with that web site, but it should be up in running in a hour.
You know something I am going to stop and pour myself a glass of wine and call it quits for today.

Happiness with health and wealth to you


Saturday, July 10, 2010

The friend that knows everything

Here is your friend that knows everything. All you have to do is say anything and I mean anything and that knows it all will be all over you like sweat on a soma wrestler. You just made their day because you said you know something and they are out to prove you wrong.

Your statement could have been as simple as "isn’t it a nice day.” You will find out from your know it all friend that it is an absolutely terrible day and hear it in great detail. Not only will you find out that it is a terrible day but tomorrow is going to even worse.

It doesn’t stop there. You will find out that there are some people in high places that are plotting to take over our lives and they are at this very minute taking our money to use to promote their cause of world domancies
The know it all type has a special time to come out of the closet. Late into a partly they’ll be in what looks like a pleasant conversation, then all of a sudden it happens they start telling the people they are talking with that they have the answers to what the world needs and then keeps repeating it. If anyone dare question this person that is if they can get a word in edgewise, they are summarily dismissed as you don’t’ know anything?

I have noticed that the know it all types know more after a couple of drinks. After couple more drinks even Einstein wouldn’t know everything they know. There is no way to stop the know it all type, so just let the event pass and try not to be around this person again.

The know it all type had another trait. When you are doing something and this person barges in and start to do or fix what you here working on. They make it sound like they have done this thousands of times, so don’t worry. Worry you should, because more than likely whatever it was they tried to help you wilt will never work again. They normally leave in a huff saying that your screwed it up before they had a chance to fix it.

The only way to stop these types is to stand up, grab their arm and say “We’re going out for drink.”

Happiness with health and wealth to you


David H. Lindemann is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The 4th of July is special

If you didn’t see it the History Channel had a special review of the start of the United States of America. It had so many things that I never knew about what our founder went through to start our most wonderful country.

We all think as George Washington was the father of our country, but what shows up in this History Channel presentation is with how his wisdom there would not be the United States today.

George had to a lead an army without money. The congress wanted him to kick out the British but time after they refused to fund his army. It is truly is a miracle that we won that war. For whatever reason, some very smart and dedicated people, we are now the most dynamic and bountiful country in the world.

On the 4th of July we celebrate the birth of our great nation. Part of the celebration is fireworks and on4th of July evening Micki and I watched the Macy’s 4th fireworks on New York City.

The fireworks last longer than any fireworks I have ever seen and along with some our most patriotic music. What was different than most fireworks display is they had five or six firing location in the harbor all synced together firing off identical display. Along with that they seem to have all this great music blended with the fireworks.

When I saw this display and heard the fantastic music chills went up and down my spine. Then the audience was being paned by the TV cameras. Everyone was really into it, from the little kids to Grandma and Grandpa. What was especially heart warming was when they paned in on our military personnel. They were all beaming with pride and singing their hearts out.

If you weren’t proud to be an American after viewing the marvelous presentation then you shouldn’t be an American. That might sound harsh, but what our ancestors did so we could have the most wonderful country in the world, but that is the way I feel.
So let’s all go out let everyone know that we live in the best country in the world and we should all to do what it takes to keep it that way.
Let’s make the 4th of July every day.

Happiness with health and wealth to you


David H. Lindemann is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

Friday, July 2, 2010

It is funny how things happen

Have you ever thought about someone and without any planning they call you. For whatever reason that happens to me a lot, or I’ll be thinking of something Micki and I could do tonight and out of the blue she says why don’t we do this, which is the same thing I was thinking about.

If I knew how these things worked I would not only be genius but a millionaire many times over, but I don’t know why these things happen and no one else does either.

I am willing to give a shot of why I think these things might happen. One might be that our mind sends out, let’s say radio signals, and that the whole universes can pick them up. As my theory goes those that know you and or are close to you, without their knowing, pick up the signal. The signal plants your thought in their brain and the rest is history. How about that for a theory?

You see it is known that our brain does sent out signals, so just maybe, just maybe others can pick them up.

Now I am not out of theories. How about because we know a person and have spend so much time with them that we start to know how they think, thus we without even tryin, come up with the same thought. Like when Micki came home a said let got to The Saga for dinner and that was what I was going to suggest that we should do.
Maybe is just happened and my theories had nothing to do it. That might be the case, but for some reason I think it more than something just happening.

No matter what causes these events, they do happened and happen more often than we think. You know it is funny how things happen.
Happiness with health and wealth to you


David H. Lindemann is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

Thursday, July 1, 2010

A special lady in Connecticut

I met her husband first, though she worked for the family company first. If I told you the story how my mom and dad hired her you won’t believe it. It was in 1952 and my mom and dad realized to grow the business they needed a present in the East Coast.

I can still remember the day they left to go to Ct. Bud they guy who was going to be the East Coast salesmen showed up at your house with his car loaded with inventory. My mom and dad’s car was loaded down also. Can you believe that they did not know where they were going to unload the inventory?

They knew that the wanted to be in the Hartford area so that is where they got a motel. Mom and dad got a local paper and started look for a place to rent. They found this place on Park Road in West Hartford. It was small but that was all they needed.

Now it was to find a girl Friday to work in the office. Here was the ad my mom put in the local paper. “Looking for a middle aged woman with children grown and needs a full time job.”

Our special lady answered the ad, there was a problem she wasn’t middle aged and still had two girls in school. She applied anyways and her and my mother hit it off.

The rest is history. This wonderful lady worked for our company for over four decades and I must say did a fantastic job. What else happened is my mom and dad hired her husband a year later.

They became family to me and Micki. Though her husband has passed away we still keep in contact with this wonderful lady. She comes to Florida in the winter and we always want to go visit with her.

If the world had more people like our wonderful person from Connecticut the world would be a much better place.

Happiness with health and wealth to you


David H. Lindemann is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people