Friday, November 28, 2008

A great day

Micki and went to lunch at a place called Coconuts, it is on the Inter-Coastal Water Way in the middle of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. The sky was as clear blue as it could be. The temperature was in the low 70’s with just a light breeze. We could see the sky scrapers in the down town sky line above the horizon, what a beautiful sight. The boat were moving slowly north and south seemly sucking up the warmth of the sun.
We had a light lunch and enjoyed the view. It can’t get better than this unless you love the looking at snow capped mountain and to tell you the truth that sounds pretty good. The only problem for me is I have lost my love for cold weather sense I left Michigan in 1970.
My point is this is the season to take the time to unwind and enjoy life. For each of us this is a different thing, but whatever it is takes, take the time to do it. You will be better for it.
Actually we should not wait for this special season to unwind and get relax, because we all get wound up and let the pressure build within us. This is not healthy. I think we all know this, but we don’t always realize that we are so uptight, so my suggestion to all of us, and that includes me, understand the value of taking time for our self and appreciate what we have.
What do we have to appreciate? Well most of have good friends. Take some time to let them know how much you care about them. You might be surprised that they well feel good about your comments. Not only will they feel better, but you will to.
Go out and let those that are important to you know you really care for them. It will do you both good.
Happiness to you

Thursday, November 27, 2008


I am thankful my family and I live in the best country in the world. I wouldn’t get into the present issues or the past, but just say we are free and say and do almost anything we want. Now I want to give thanks to my mom and dad they keep me on the straight and narrow and gave me lots of love. Not just by saying they loved me, but through their actions. They’re not with me known in body put they are here in spirit. And my love for them is as strong as ever.
I give thanks to Micki my wife for over 44 years. If I did all the research to find a wife I couldn’t have found one as good as Micki. She is so loving and caring not only for me but for our children and friends. Not to mention the rest of the world.
Our two sons Skip and Todd could not be better. They both have wonderful children. This could be a long story so I won’t bore with all the things our grandchildren have done.
Now let’s take a look at our friends. Jan and Bob, though their hundreds of miles away, are still our dearest friends. They are the laughers. You can’t help but love them. Then we have our friend form the old neighborhood. Doug and Marsha, Linda and Mike we always have great times with them. Doug, Mike and I play golf every Wednesday. The six of us play most Sundays. Micki has had to stop for awhile because of a bad shoulder. We do so many things to gather I am not going to mention then now. Except that all of us have to been to most of our children’s weddings and we still enjoy being with one another.
Enough is enough, I am sure my stories about thanksgiving sound a lot like yours and I hope they would, because they are all part of why I have had a very very happy life.
Thanksgiving to all and
Happiness to you


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Bridge

I get to look at this almost every morning on my walk. I'll show other things I see on my walk from time to time.

Happiness to you

Visit: http://www.happinessin8stepscom

It is all right to be different

It is all right to be different

You are different form me, actually you are different form everyone else in the world that has ever been. Now that’s different. So don’t you think it is important to be able to live with different people? Not to put works in your mouth, but yes it is. We been doing this most of our lives so why worry? The question to you, have you been doing a good job getting along with others? Most would say sure I get along with most people and they would be right. But are they getting the most out of the relationships with others. I am not suggesting that you use people, but rather work with others and they work with you to achieve common goals.

I am not going to get into personal missions, goals and objectives, we’ll leave that for another time, but I would like to have you think about how and why improved relationships with others if important to all. One it saves energy. What I mean by that it we can greatly reduces conflict that is unnecessary. Without this unwanted conflict you and other can use the energy to make things better for ourselves and others.

When we can first understand ourselves it is a big step forward in improving relationships. Some people just know themselves. They know their strengths and their weakness, other don’t and that can be a problem.
Let make it simple, when we are not in conflict with others there is more time to do things that can be of benefit to ourselves and the world. That may sound like a very grand statement, but it is a fact.

Though we’ll never totally reduce conflict, but wouldn’t it be a much better place if we did. Part of reducing conflict is knowing that we are different from others and learning to appreciate them.

Happiness to you.


Monday, November 24, 2008

The little people challenges

The little people challenges
Last weekend my son Skip was out shopping, with soon to be three year old daughter, Zoey. Everything was going well until Zoey stopped and started starring at something she wanted. Skip said let’s getting going Zoey, but she wouldn’t budge. Finally Skip said we have to go now, but she wasn’t going anywhere until she got what she was looking at. Skip explained to Zoey that here birthday was just day’s away and she would be getting gives then. Also, to reinforce the point that Christmas was just a little over a month away and Santa would have more gifts for her. In no way did she want to listen to her Dad. All she wanted is what she looking at. Finally Skip said NO, you can’t have that. Well very definitely she put her one hand on her hip and with the other hand pointed her finger at her Dad and said ‘You can’t say NO to me”.

Saying no to her was not a option she wanted to hear as far as she was concerned and at that time Skip really did not want to cause a roucous in the store, so he did what any red blooded parent would do and punted. He looked at Zoey and said” You wouldn’t want me to tell Santa what you said would you” Zoey didn’t even take a second and said “I am sorry Daddy”.

Daddy and Mom can be up against some real focused minds with these little people. So the challenge is how to deal with them without causing major problems. Skip dealt with Zoey by knowing that Zoey wanted Santa to bring her gift and if she didn’t mind her parents the gifts might not come on Christmas morning.

Yes sometimes we just have to say no and deal with the outcome. But, to cause less conflict if we can find something that is important to other person and use that to reduce or eliminate the conflict that might result, this is good. Food for thought.

Happiness to you


Saturday, November 22, 2008

Happiness is when things are going right.

Happiness is when things are going right.

That is a true statement. However, the real test of inter happiness is when things are not going right. Now I don’t want you to go out and makes things not go right, they happen naturally enough.

When things don’t go right and you can still feel happy in side then you know you have inners strength. The inter strength will help you even more when things go right. Let’s look at what builds your inner strength. Doing the right things is one thing. Understanding that we cannot always make the right decisions is another.
One of the many things is to remember, that things are not as bad you think and when things are GREAT there are not as great as you think they are. The more you understand this the more the peaks and valleys of life will not seem as difficult.
When things don’t go right look at what you can learn from it. Look how you and eliminate the problem in the future. All of us make mistakes. Don’t beat yourself because did. Mistake is just part of being human. Let it go and move on. This will free you up to take on new opportunities.

Opportunities are all around us, we just need to keep our eyes open for them. You might have a client leave you because you couldn’t meet all his demands. You might find you have been spending way too much time for the amount of profits. Now you can put more effort into existing clients and potential new clients that will give a much better return for the time and effort.

Happiness is helping other and yourself.

Happiness to you

go to:

Friday, November 21, 2008

Laughing is GREAT

You must have a friend just like mine. His name is Mike and he was my neighbor over 35 years ago and we are still dear friends to this day. The point is he is a laugher. To this day when I am with Mike he laughs and that make me laugh, because he is always laughing. Does he tell the best jokes, NO. Can he do silly tricks that make you laugh, NO. What he does do is laugh and a very good laugh at that. He laughs at his poor golf shots. Some people don’t understand that he is laughing at himself. Yes he wants to make all good golf shots, but when he doesn’t he relaxes and laughs, which does help him play better golf. Being around Mike makes me feel good, and relaxed, which puts me in a happy state.

Laughing makes you happy and happiness is good for you. If you read my book “Happiness in Eight Steps” I go over the health benefits of laughing. My succession to you is search for the happy laughing people and you’ll find out by being around them how your attitude and inter self will be much better for it.

One of my biggest tips to you about laughing is laugh at yourself or laugh with someone. This makes you and everyone else feel good. If you laugh at someone you are really judging then and that is not good. We are not here to judge other but to help them. One of the ways to help people is to laugh with them.

Happiness to you

Visit: http://www. and sign up for my new letter. It will give you many ideas on dealing with life.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Happiness in the present

The present is where we are right now. We do have choices. We can be happy and enjoy it or we can be upset about things that have happened in the past. Can we change the past, NO. Can we learn from the past, I think so, but for sure we can’t change the past? So don’t try.

How about dreaming about the future, yes dreams are great but you have to remember they are just dreams. What is going to get to your dreams is what you do right know. Even it is just one small step towards your dream it is a start. Right now is the key word because it is in the present.

Seems we are all in the present right now let’s enjoy it and be happy.

Happiness to you

Visit: and sign up for my news letter. Learning in good for you and there is a lot of content in the news letter that can be helpful to you

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Being in a loving environment

When I am around Micki there is a special feeling inside me. That goes for when I am around our sons and their families. I just feel good. My question to you, do you have that special feeling when you’re around people you love. My best quest is you do. OK what my point.

My point is if you have that special feeling it gives you happiness and there is nothing wrong with that.

When you’re happy you’re not sad, so that is good. So be around thoughts you love and be happy.

Happiness to you


Be happy be in shape

Be happy be in shape

I don’t mean look like a pear. I am talking about your body being healthy. You don’t have to be weight lifter to be in shape and you don’t have to run a marathon either. Just doing something for 30 minutes a day and it doesn’t have to be all at one time.

Here is some ideas, don’t park next to entrance when going shopping, park near the back of the lot. Don’t take the elevator to go up a couple floors take the stairs. What I am really saying is don’t be a couch potato.

As an old friend told me never lay down when you can sit, never sit when you can stand and never just stand when you can walk.

Now go out and be active.

Happiness to you

Learn more go to:

Monday, November 17, 2008

Happiness is less

Happiness is less

In many ways happiness using less energy is good. The obvious is using less fuel when driving or better yet driving less. I know my next car is going to get at least 50% better gas millage than my present car. My next home air-conditioner is going to be much more efficient than my present one and everything I buy that use energy will be more energy efficient. Well that help, yes but what will really help is when everyone does the same thing.

Yes better energy efficiency will help a lot but the real improvement will be how we get energies that are environmental friendly and use less fossil fuel.

Happiness to you

Get more information and sign up for Lindemann Letters. Go to:

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Save a Life

Last night we were helping save lives and many of them would have been children. A Child Is Missing had its Tour d’Vine event and it was a smashing success. All the funds raised goes to help save lives. A Child Is Missing works with law enforcement by making over 1000 calls a minutes in the specific area that the missing child was last seen. This is a GREAT organization to learn more go to

Happiness to you

Visit: htpp://

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Happiness and prosperity

Happiness and prosperity

What could be better? Not much. Being happy and having prosperity is a great dream to have. Happiness is something that we can learn and prosperity is something we earn. In my book “Happiness in 8 Steps” I give you ideas on how you can learn to be happy. In my new book I’ll give you practical ideas on creating prosperity in your life. Here is a hint helping other is a sure way to get prosperity in your life.

Happiness to you


Friday, November 14, 2008

Do you have a problem or an opportunity?

You might think you have a problem and get down. When you get down on yourself it does nothing to solve your problem, don’t get down on yourself. Now a problem is a problem or is it? Could it be an opportunity in disguise? Yes it is. Problems are always opportunities. You will learn from the problem, you will then be able to move on to new successes if you want to. The key word here if you want to. So take the positive road, attack your problems as opportunities and enjoy life to the fullest. Now you can be really happy.

Happiness to you


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Why did this happen to me?

Why did this happen to me?

My answer is to you is don’t go back and worry about what happened in the past. Why might you ask? Can you change what happened? I don’t think so. So don’t waste your energy worrying about past issues.
You might want to see how you can take your past problems and make them work for you. There is an old saying “Take a lemon and make it lemonade”. You should move forward and make your life the best it can be. The present is where you will find happiness.

Happiness to you


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Love to Learn

I love to learn and Saturday morning I had chance to be with one of the best in making things happen. Randy Gage is his name. He is a rage to riches guy. Straight forward and able to give you valuable information in a well organized way. Now to take what I learned on make it work for me.

It so important to apply what you learn and it also very rewarding and that’s make you happy.

Happiness to you


Monday, November 10, 2008

Getting started

As I mature mornings are becoming the best part of my day. Why you might ask. Will I love getting my mind and body going? How I do that. First I meditate and then that a good walk with a little weight work out. The walk gives me time to smell the roses and start planning my day. Yes I have a big plan, but this is special time I need to go over what I want to accomplish that day.

By knowing what I want to do helps me stay in a happiness state.

Happiness to you

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Weddings make you feel happy

Weddings make you feel happy

Last night we went to a wedding of the daughter of one of our best friends. She is 38 and this was her first marriage. The ceremony took place by the pool; the weather was perfect; it was 75 and a slight breeze. Then we went to the ball room and the party began. As you would suspect the wedding party was introduced and then the bride and groom. Of course the bride and groom had the first dance. This is where it started to really make me happy… The bride was looking up at her new husband with the warmest smile. It was like saying I am yours forever. He was look down at her in the same way. You could feel the happiness and passion they felt.

Will all I can say if you need a lift go to a wedding and observed the new couple. It will lift your spirits and make you happy all over.

Happiness to you

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Happy things happened today

Happiness comes in many way. Today I learned some great things from Randy Gage that will help me with the success of my business. I left the meeting knowing that success was to come to me more than I ever thought, which made me very happy.


Happiness to you

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It can't happen to me

Yes this is what many people think. They think child molesters live in alleys and look terrible. Will that is no true. The Film "It can't happen to me" will be shown at the Fort Lauderdale Film Festival Monday November 10th at 5:00 PM:

It is at: Cinema Paradiso
503 S E 6th Street
Fort Lauderdale, Fl 33301

If you have children, grand children or just love children this is a must see.

Happiness to you

Monday, November 3, 2008

Not a cloud in the sky.

Micki and I walked down to New River. Someday I’ll tell you that story about how New River got its name. But today I just want to let you know how beautiful the morning was. At 7:00 Am there was not a cloud in the sky. It felt good be alive.

Happiness to you