Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What a surprise

What a surprise
You might know that A Child Is Missing is having a golf outing April 12th at Grand Oaks in Ft. Lauderdale. It is a GREAT golf course. Along with the golf outing there will be a Par-Tee Friday April 9th at the Crowne Plaza. Both events will be would be worth your while to attend and I hope you do. But that is not my story today.
You might have received materials about the events, because I sent them to everyone I know and then some. Will guess what my sister-in-law in Maryland receive the information about the events. Of course there is a message on how important your support is for A Child Is Missing mission of making safe and timely recovery of children.
Sue, my sister-in-law, took the message to heart and lent A Child Is Missing some financial support.
You know something it really made my day. We don’t see Sue much, but we keep in contact with by E-mail. Just so you know she has a great since of humor.
Yes my message was for everyone, but to think my sister-in-law took it to heart and chipped in meant a lot to me.
So when you read this maybe it will spark you to give a lending hand. It is real simple. Go to: http://www.achildismssing.org and click on “How 2 Help” then click on “Donate.”
If you just help out with $5.00 that is great and if you can do more that is even better.
By helping you help other future safe recoveries of children. When you go to: http://www.achildismssing.org you can learn more about A Child Is Missing and how it works.
The important thing is you will be helping those in the future that have lost loved one and with the help of A Child Is Missing the child will be found in fast and safe.
Thank you for listening to me and I hope you can help with future lost children.
Happiness with wealth to you




E-mail www.dhalind@gmail.com

David H. Lindemann is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

Friday, March 26, 2010

I had one grumpy Grandpa

I’ll start out by saying I love my Grandpa Lindemann, but he sure was ornery. If someone told him it was going to nice day he would say that is going to be cold and rainy. He did this all the time.

There was a pile of us grand kids, so when we were at Grandma and Grandpa’s house we were supposed to be on our best behavior. You guessed it we didn’t know what best behavior was, so we acted like we always did.

Grandma Lindemann just let us do whatever we wanted and then would offer us some nice warm cookies. She was a GREAT cook.

Grandpa on the other hand always thought we were too loud. And with no uncertain term would let us know. It would quite us down for a little while and then we would get back to normal.

In the mean time Grandpa took is normal seat that was in the middle of things. My dad and uncles sat around Grandpa. The discussion started, which was normally my Uncle Earl and then Grandpa Lindemann would let Uncle Earl know that he was all wet. Then the fun started, as far as us kids were concerned
Uncle Norm was the youngest brother, but somehow was on the wrong side of Grandpa Lindemann ideas. My Uncle George would sometimes pipe in, but only to say he agreed. I was never sure who he agreed with, but at least he got his two cents in.

My Dad, who was called Bud by everyone, would just sit there and let them have their heated discussion. You see at that time I didn’t know what arguing was.
Grandpa Lindemann was very consistent. He disagreed with everyone. It didn’t seem to matter who the person was he wasn’t going to agree with them.

Not agreeing with people I would consider being grumpy, so I put Grandpa Lindemann in the grumpy category. That being said he was a very successful and will like guy. Success Ok, but will liked I have to say there was something I couldn’t see or understand at my early age. All I know is that he was my Grandpa and I loved him.

Happiness with wealth to you




E-mail www.dhalind@gmail.com

David is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Grandma had a laugh

My Grandma Cherry had a very special laugh and she wasn’t afraid to laugh period. I’ll give you an example. I was just a small boy and even I laughed. We were at our cottage on Devils Lake in southern Michigan. Cottage wasn’t the right word for it because it was a garage that was our temporary cottage till my dad built the actual cottage.

Ok here is what happened. Grandma Cherry was getting into our role boat; it was setting next to the dock. So she took one foot and put in the role boat, while still having the other on the dock to steady her.

That as it turned out wasn’t such a good idea, because the role boat wasn’t tied to the dock. So as she put the weight on the foot that was in the role boat the role boat started to move away from the dock.

It didn’t take Grandma Cherry long to figure out that she was in trouble, so she yelled for help. My aunt Florence was the closest to Grandma Cherry, but rather than running to help her mother she grabbed the Kodak box camera and took a picture of Grandma Cherry doing a split between the dock and the boat which was inching further away from the dock.

Aunt Florence was ready for the next picture which was Grandma Cherry sitting in about 18 inches of water between the dock and the boat. Sure which I could find the picture.

Grandma Cherry didn’t get mad, but instead started laughing in a way she could only do. Aunt Florence went over to help and as she approached Grandma Cherry they were both laughing.

Some people could get very upset if something like that happened to them, but not Grandma Cherry.

Laughing is good for us and it was for Grandma Cherry and tells you why at another time.

Happiness with wealth to you




E-mail www.dhalind@gmail.com

David is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Walk, walk and more walking

Walking is very good for us. It is not too hard on the joint, but if you walk at a good pace it is very good for you heart. It can also help you with your weight control and I find it relaxing, though I do have to watch where I am going some times because I get too relaxed.

If you like to swim that is great. It is another exercise that is good for your whole body, but unless you can swim inside in a heated area in the winter it can get a little cold. So for many swimming is out as year round activity.

Biking is another good form of exercise. It helps build the large leg muscles, which in turn helps move blood through your body. One thing you have to do when riding a bike is observe what is going around you. If your’ not paying attention you can run into something and that isn’t good. Another thing about biking is the bikes are getting real expensive.

How about running or jogging? Either one is good, but they are both hard on our joints. After years of running or jogging many people have joint problems. Now I don’t run or jog because I have a large chuck of arthritis in the middle of my spine it just causes to much pain for me, so I chose to do something else.

So my choice is to walk. Yes walking keep me in shape, both physically and mentally. You see when I walk I let my mind just run wild and many times I get some of the most creative ideas. Then I can’t wait to get back home to work on them.
My suggestion to you is do whatever you like, but then do it. Not once in a while, but on a regular bases. That means five or six times a week.

When you get in to the habit of regular exercise you will feel years younger and you’ll live years longer.

Happiness with wealth to you




E-mail www.dhalind@gmail.com

David is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

Friday, March 19, 2010

Looking for golfer

There are so many golfer, you would think I could find some to play in the Child is Missing 8th annual golf outing. It is at one of nicest golf courses around, Grand Oaks. As I side note it is the golf course that “Caddy Shack” was filmed.

Back to the golf outing. The event is just going to be great. Tony Sparano, the head coach of the Miami Dolphins and Tony Segreto a South Florida celebrity are the Co-Honorary Chairmen of the golfing event. Yes they are playing. Leonard Marshal our past Honorary Chairman will also be there.

There will be other celebrities that will be coming out to help support A Child Is Missing. You too can be there and lend a hand in supporting A Child Is Missing.
You might want to know what A Child Is Missing does and that is a good question. I’ll give you the brief version. A Child Is Missing is the conduit between the public and law enforcement.

What this means is when 911 gets a call about a missing child, 911 calls the local law enforcement agency. Law enforcement checks out that this is a real event and gathers information about the child. Like where the child was was last seen, what the child was wearing, what name the child responds to, etc.

Now the law enforcement agency calls a Child Is Missing with this information and this is when the technology kicks in.

The first thing that A Child Is Missing does is get on a GPS and finds the last place the child was seen. Then knowing the location they can get all the phone numbers in the area that the child was last seen, which includes businesses.

With that done, which take a minutes, A Child Is Missing can blast out 1000 calls a minute with the child’s description and a phone number to call, which is normally the local police.

As you can see all of this happens within a short period of time, thus enhancing the chances of finding the child sooner and unharmed.

If you cannot golf in our event can you support A Child I Missing in some way. We are fast approaching having 700 safe recoveries, so anything you can do will help other children who are lost.

To help go to http://childismissing.org and go to HOW TO HELP. If you can help by donating $5.00 that is fine, if you can help more that is even better.

Here is to having many more safe recoveries.

Happiness with wealth to you




E-mail www.dhalind@gmail.com

David is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

Monday, March 15, 2010

It was a close game and tensions were high

Micki is a real sport fan and really gets into games. Yesterday she got into the Tenn. U Conn. woman’s basketball game. When I walked into the room Tenn. Was ahead by a few points and Micki was furious, because she is a huge U Conn. fan.

It was getting near the end of the game and was looking life U Conn was not going to win. Now I am involved. I start shouting for U Conn to get the ball and make some points.

Now it is 10.5 seconds left in the game and U Conn is down by three, but U Conn has the ball. It seem like the 10.5 seconds took 10 minutes. U Conn ran down the court and just short of the 3 point line let the ball fly. At that point my heart was in my throat and Micki looked liked she was going to pass out.

The ball seem to be in air forever, but it finally started to come down toward the basket and to Micki and my amazement the ball went cleanly through the hoop not even touching the rim. The game is now in overtime.

The commercial took forever and like all guys I had to flick channels to see what else was on, Micki was ready to kill me, but with some luck I got back to the Tenn. and U Conn game that was just starting the overtime period.

While the game was going on Micki was getting ready so we could go out to dinner, so she kept potting in and out of the TV area, this was driving me crazy. Not only was the game close but we had deadline to leave for a dinner party.

The tension in our house was reaching a fever pitch. Then out of the blue Micki rushes in to the room and informs me that we are watching the 1997 game on ESPN Classic. It was then time to leave for dinner.

Happiness with wealth to you




E-mail www.dhalind@gmail.com

David is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

Friday, March 12, 2010

Truth is funnier than fiction

The other day my mobile phone died. So I took it into AT&T and asked what they could do. The answer was simple, buy a new one. Silly me I asked if they could repair my present phone. I won’t say my service agent was disrespectable, but he sure looked at me in strange way.

You know what came next, what kind of phone you want. You know I hadn’t really thought about that question on till he asked.

Will I had to get thinking and while I was thinking he, the service agent, started to show me what could replace my defunct phone. There was a great variety of shapes and colors. Then I asked the big question, which was ,do these get e-mail. The answer was no.

Here are the ones that can give you E-mail and by the way we have this great offer on the newest Blackberry. You know I always wanted a Blackberry. Maybe it is because I wanted to feel important. Like I have to check me E-mail, yes that what I say to show other that I am important.

You know I never had many calls on my other mobile and when I did I was on the golf course and was a wrong number. I am not kitting anyone I just wanted a new toy.
Here is when the fun started. I started to try to use my new Blackberry. With directions in hand I started. You know I can understand any directions let alone mobile phone ones.

You know what I did I start pushing buttons’ and to see what would happen. As you might expect things were happening, I just didn’t know it.

Our phone rang and Micki picked it up and thought it was Todd, our son in Dallas, and started with many questions. Then the person on the on the line finally got a word in and said he was not our son, but wanted to know why we called him.

Micki handled it will and so did the guy on the line. He said he hoped our son was fine and said he was sorry he wasn’t Todd and hung up.

Since that first night I have tried to be more care full, but I have called my daughter-in-law and other and I didn’t even know I did.

I do have a plan for not doing that any more. I’ll only checking my E-mail with my Blackberry and when I actually know what I am doing I’ll use it to call people.

Happiness with wealth to you




E-mail www.dhalind@gmail.com

David is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Let the ideas flow

Some days my mind is flowing with ideas and some day the ideas aren’t there, that is alright. The many reason for days of lots of ideas and day with not many is your mind needs to take to time to digest and refine the ideas that you have been working on.

We have something called a subconscious mine and if we let it can help us. If we try to force our mind to hard we tend to slow it down. It is like getting your car stuck on a muddy road. The more you step on the accelerator the further you tires dig down in the mud.

If we can learn to let ideas float around for awhile, something happiness and I call crystallization. If you haven’t kept pouring over the ideas endlessly, but as some say you sleep on it and things start to happen.

Sometimes it happiness like magic and ideas just start pouring out. It might be good when that happens is to write them down. You don’t have to make them perfect, but I would suggest that you write them so you can read them.

You might find out the answer is there, but it is not the one you thought of first and that as it should be. The reason is your subconscious mind is so powerful it sees things that our conscious mind can’t. Thus you many times come up with a much better solution.

Crystallization is an important tool to help you to deal with issues that seem impossible.

One thing you should do on regular bases it to get away from the daily routine and relax. I am not talking about taking a two hour nap, but setting quietly, closing your eyes for a few minutes and clear your mind.

You can meditate or just let you mind flow. Whatever you call it is healthy for your body and your mind.

By doing this you will find that what was an issue becomes an opportunity. Or said in another way a problem is just opportunity staring you in the face.

Happiness with wealth to you




E-mail www.dhalind@gmail.comwww.dhalind@gmail.com

David is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Doing the things you have just put off

I think there is difference between procrastination and putting things off and here is my definition.

Procrastination, to me, it something that needs to be done at certain time and you either don’t do it at all or wait till the last minute to get it done.

Putting things off are thoughts thing that really don’t have any time limit when they have to be completed.

So the thing I did today were things that I put off, but the list keep getting longer and longer. One of the things was a haircut and my hair kept getting longer and longer so that was on the list to do today.

There was these electronic thinks setting by the door of my office waiting to be recycled and how you do that is take it to Best Buy. Also my one printer was out of yellow ink, but my other printer had plenty so I could put off getting some for a while.

Instead of going out to lunch I picked up my soon to be lighter body. Yes I have lost almost eight pounds, sense January 1, 2010.

The first stop was to Office Depot for the ink and also noticed I need 44 cent stamps and it is much easier to get them there than waiting in line at the post office. Who know they might close the post office near me, so Office Depot works.
Then I zipped to Best Buy to turn in my old electronic items to be recycled. A very nice man at the front door of Best Buy told me where to take my electronics to be recycled.

Can you believe there was a line? So being the friendly guy I started talking with the guy in front of me. Somehow I told him why I was in line and he said he would turn the items for me, wasn’t that nice.

So I gave him one of my eight steps of happiness cards and on the way out I gave the nice man at the front door one to.

Here’s something else that I have been putting off, learning how to pay my bills electronically. I’ll have to learn to pay my bill electronically, because they could close our post office and take away our mail box.

I think I put off more that I procrastinate.

Happiness with wealth to you




E-mail www.dhalind@gmail.com

David is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

Monday, March 8, 2010

The score was 3 to 2

It was alumni day for me. The Eastern Michigan University girl’s soft ball team was playing University of Conn. My Alma Mater lost, though it was a good game.

I guess I could stop there and that would be the end of the story, but there is more.
You see the EMU Alumni Association invited us EMU alums to the game so we could meet fellow alums and maybe kick I in some financial support to the University. I got even more because I met some real nice people

One was retired NFL player. Real good guy and I think I can help him and his friend. You see Lional and Cory are starting a talk radio station and they want help in telling their story. As a card caring member of Florida Speakers Association I promptly mentioned to them that the South Florida Speakers association was having a workshop this coming Saturday.

As soon as I got home I E-mailed them information about the workshop. I hope they can attend, because they will pick up a lot of good information. They will also meet one of most helpful group I have ever been involved with.

There was a nice size group at the gathering, so I went about meeting as many as I could. One lady came up to me and asked if I was an author and of course I said yes.
She let me know that she is going to write a book and that it was going to fiction. She told me she had been taking some classes on fiction writing. Her background was that she was a hostess for Southwest Airline for twenty years, then got in to customer service and eventually was the assistant to the Chairman and did most of his writing. I wished her luck.

Then I met this nice lady that asked me when I graduated. I felt honored that she thought that I was a graduate. Will I told her and she smiled as said she graduated ten years prior than me. I guess that is what alumni gathering are for, to meet fellow alums and I saw that they come in all sizes and ages.

My recommendation is attend affairs like the one I just did and get into the spirit. You might even have a good time, I did.

Happiness with wealth to you




E-mail www.dhalind@gmail.comwww.dhalind@gmail.com

David is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

Saturday, March 6, 2010

I was an extra good boy today

I am always a good guy, but today I did some things extra that I have been putting off for months. It good be getting close to a year, but do day I did it and I added some bonus projects as will.

Do you feel real good about yourself when you clean up the list that has been hanging over your head, I do. I couldn’t wait to tell Micki what it did.

Maybe you want to know what I did that I thought was such a big deal. Before I tell you it is important to know that this project needed a lot of planning and engineering. Thus for the length of time it took me to start the project.
When I finally engineered what need to be done I had to get into the planning stage. As you can imagine planning can take some time and it did. After the planning I needed to go over the engineering again.

Today was the day to implement the plan. The first part of the plan was to go to the hardware store. You know I love going to hardware stores, there is so much to look at. So it normally takes me an hour or more to get some screws. You know there is so much to see in a hardware store.

I found what I needed went to the cashier, paid up and start for home to tackle the project that has been waiting for me all these months or it could be a year.

It is now for all my engineering and planning to take this project to completion.
I was not afraid any more; actually I was never afraid of this project but reluctant to get started. So I started and that was my first big step.

To the patio and assess the patio chairs that need repair. Yes I said patio chairs. What happened was the plastic screws that hold the strapping broke on some of the straps. It was my responsibility to replace them and I was up to the challenge.

At the hardware store I purchased some self threading screws and plastic anchors that I could put in the hole that the broken plastic screws were in.

There is one other think when replacing the plastic straps you have to heat them to 400 F for about 5 minutes. At 400 F the strapping is too hot to handle without heavy cloves. That I had, but it you ever tied to hold a screw with heavy cloves.

I learned a lot about how to fix the strapping, so I can’t wait to repair the next patio chairs.
Oh, I did couple of bonus projects to so I am ahead of the list, I think.

Happiness with wealth to you




E-mail www.dhalind@gmail.com

David is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Is Santa healthy?

Here is one of the topics I love to talk about, because by helping people be happy I am helping them be healthy. You are not going to hear from me today all the clinical reasons why happiness helps make people healthy, but I am going to tell a stories that will wet your appetite for happiness in your life.

Let’s just say there is a real Santa Clause, I know he is. Have you ever seen Santa looking down in the dumps, I think not. He is always smiling and laughing.

That is a tip off that he is a happy man. Another big tipoff is he is making others happy. Just think of all the children he makes happy each year and those of us that know he is real.

Did you ever hear of Santa not being able not to deliver presents because he was sick, I never have? Oh, I have seen pictures of him looking sick and Mrs. Clause bring him hot tea, but I am sure that was just the idea of some marketing person.
Don’t get me wrong advertising and marketing people get paid to get people to do something, and that is good, so at times they stretch the truth to make a point I believe Santa wasn’t sick, but might have been a little bushed from making all the toys.

Santa also stays happy by staying in shape. He might look over weight, but in reality, he isn’t. The reason behind this is cameras make you look heavier than you are and we only see Santa in pictures, so he must not be as heavy as the picture portrays him.

Now back to Santa being in shape. Could you go up and down all those chimneys?
I rest my case; Santa is a happy and healthy man by using all my eight steps for happiness. Try them there good for you

Happiness with wealth to you




E-mail www.dhalind@gmail.com

David is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

Monday, March 1, 2010

DHL’s thoughts on wealth builders

I have been meaning to tell you about this for a long time and that is what wealth is. Yes, wealth has to do with monetary things. But, wealth is so much more than money.

Study after study show that money is not what make us happy. So why do some people that have more money that can every spent, end up having miserable lives. It is because there missing one of the important building blocks of wealth, friend ships.

Money can give you many creature comforts, but it can’t give the comforts of the heart. The heart is more than a part of our body that pumps blood throughout us so we can survive. The inter heart is our conscious, our center of feeling. It is what tills us what is the right thing to do.

If we listen to our heart we’ll have the wealth in life that makes life worth living.

Have you ever at a time when you weren’t sure what direction to take in life? I would think we have all had this experience. What do most of do, we listen to something is side us which is our heart. It never stirs us wrong, but if we ignore it that is when we get into trouble.

To build wealth in our lives, we have to do the right thing and as mentioned before when we listen to your heart it is easy to do.

Building strong and lasting friendships is important ingredient to having wealth in your life. When you have real friends you can lose everything else, but you are still a wealthy person.

Interesting enough with the wealth you have in friendships, things turn around and you will find you will always be able to gain back monetary things. Your friends have been there to help you.

Wealth is so many things and friendships are an important one. They are your wealth builders, so treasure your friends because they are as important to you as you are to them.

Happiness with wealth to you




E-mail www.dhalind@gmail.com

David is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people