Sunday, May 31, 2009

Meeting a Special Person

Yesterday I had the disinct pleasure of being part of very moving and really successful workshop. The premise of the workshop was Good to Great. What was so rewarding is that there were over twenty people there and they all contributed.

Then at lunch there was some at each table the either has won an award or received a scholar ship from the foundation. I was lucky enough to set next to Dora. Dora is very special. At the age of fourteen she and family moved to Pa. from Cuba. She said they only had the cloths on their backs.

But, because of some special people that helps her family get the feet on the ground and then the family started to get Americanized. Her whole family where teacher so guess what, that is what she became.

Dora now has a PhD in French History. She had dot go through the course work twice because of an administrative botch up. She now has over 100 credits in graduate studies, boy that is a lot graduate credits.

She loves what she does. So I asked her “what is one of the most exciting things that has happened to her as a teacher”. She couldn’t get the words out fast enough. She said “When you see the light bulbs goes off and the student has truly learned what she has been teaching them”.

We talked about so many other things and before we knew it lunch was over. It is my hope to meet and talk with her again, because I know there is so much I can learn from her.

Monday I am calling to call her and set up a visit. Why should I wait I will do it first thing in the morning.

When you meet a special person let them know that they are special it is good for theme and good for you.

Happiness with Wealth to you



Friday, May 29, 2009

Thank you needs to be said from the heart

How do you feel when someone says thank you to you? If the thank you is done with sincerity, it is likely to be very impacting.

In my personal observations most people say thank you and that as it should be. However, the important part of saying thank you is truly meaning it.

There is some kind of wave links that we humans have with one another. When someone really means what they say a light goes off in you. When they say something as easy as thank you and do it in a caring way you know it.

The opposite happens when someone says thank you to you as if it was a bother to them. You can feel the coldness in their words and it doesn’t have the positive affect it could have if it was spoken with passion and caring.

What is real important what ever we say is that we say with our heart and then the other person get the internal wave of your true caring.

We have to look at ourselves as a radio antenna that is giving off our true feeling. So when we say something we have to say it with meaning. If not, people will not get the benefit of you remarks.

There is a real benefit in saying thank you to you. One it helps take tension out you. Two it helps with our natural instinct to give. Third when you see the face of the person you said thank you to and it responding to you with a warm smile it truly lifts you spirits.

There are some many others things a thank you can do for you and others we could go on and on, but I’ll stop now and say thank you.

Happiness with Wealth to you



Thursday, May 28, 2009

It doesn’t get any better than this.

Now that I have my Big Hairy Audacious Goal my mind has been going crazy with great ideas. I always thought that I had good focus, but now I have my goal in the cross hairs of opportunity things are really starting to gather momentium.

I bounced off my Big Hairy Audacious Goal on Mike, my good friend for almost forty years. Mike thought it was great. Then I bounces it off another friend JB and he just about jumped out of his seat, he was so excited.

Me I am excited to. I am working on setting up interviews with people that are both happy and successful. I am also putting the final touches on the questions I am going to ask.

Here is one of the questions. Why do you think you have always been such a happy person? That should get some interesting answers.

I think the most fun is going to be doing the interviews. Just think getting to hear some of the most interesting stories from those that have set the bench mark in happiness and success
The more I have research happiness and success the more I have found how they dovetail together like a joint in a fine piece of furniture... It is a wonderful mix being happy and successful.

My mission in life is to tell the story how you can make you life so much better by constantly improving you state of happiness. For some reason the happier you are the easy it is to find success.

Success to you and build it on the rock of happiness so it will be ever growing.
Happiness with Wealth to you



Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Yes Micki and I had a great holiday even with three days of rain. You don’t want hear about our great holiday, but wait a minute there is a silver lining in this story.

Personally I got so much done and it seemed so easy. Finished some pot casts wrote a couple of blogs got ready for some projects I had to in the coming week and re-read “Good to Great”.

I re-read the book because I am part of a workshop for the Boward College Foundation and the President Dr. David Armstrong is using the book as tool for his team’s development.

You know me I am always up for improvement so I got the book out and went over it with a not so fine tooth comb. Boy I am real glad I did because I got some real good ideas for my personal development.

I now have one Big Hairy Audacious Goal or as Jim Collins calls it BHAG. He says there are good ones and bad one. The one I made is a good one.

So what is my good BHAG? It is to be the best in the world at telling positive stories on how to help people learn how happiness can build them success. That’s it. I have actual spent a life time developing this BHAG... Now I am ready to make it happen.

I am starting a new book on that very subject I haven’t come up with a title yet, but I am sure I will, but the outline for the book is starting to take shape.

There are so many stories I know of those that have had long a lasting success and lived very happy lives. Each of the stories have a different twist, but they all convey the concept of happiness to success.

You can help me with this book by sharing with me some you stories. You can do this by E-mail me at or go to and put a message to me on contact.

We can put this book together as a team, won’t that be wonderful.
Feel FREE to invite me to one or your meetings and I’ll share with everyone how they can build happiness to success.

Happiness with Wealth to you



Monday, May 25, 2009

Procrastination, How to stop it.

Do you want to stop procrastinating? Here is how, just start doing whatever you were going to put off. You say easy for you, but not for me. Let’s look at the pain you cause yourself. Having less pain should help you to get moving on whatever you are putting off. Do you want you spouse to nag it you or worse, or how about getting on the wrong side of your boss, that’s not good either. OK so you don’t like pain. Here is some ideas to help you get moving on whatever you’r postponing.

This might sound a little simple but here I go. As soon as you find out that you have to do something , start it right away. You know the old saying a thousand mile journey start with the first step. So do something to get started.

In my workshop on Win-Win with Happiness I have often use this statement on the high powered up and comers. They tend to think they really know everything, so this normally takes them back a step or two.

Here is what I tell them. “When you spouse asks you do something, to it right then and there”. You guessed it I get a lot of blank stares, like what advice is that.
The advice comes from year of experience. Now when Micki asked me to do something, I stop what I am doing and do it or least start to do it. It doesn’t sound like much but it works. I find my to-do list is not as long as it was before I started to react so quickly to her requests.

What does this have to do with procrastination? In my opinion when you fail to start something you know you have to do, you are procrastinating.

A professor in college gave me some very good advice on study habits and they really made college at lot easier. The first thing he told me was to go to class and take good notes. Will I did that so far so good. Then he told me to go and read the reading assignments as soon after the class as possible. That I didn’t do. Then he told me to read my notes and then re-read the reading assignment and underline the key ideas. I didn’t do that either. Finally he told me before the exam read the underline key ideas in the text and go over my notes.

I took is advise and used his study methods and guess what I became a honor student. Can you believe that?

To stop procrastination get started, you will have lot less pain.

Happiness with Wealth to you



Sunday, May 24, 2009


Procrastination is bad, real bad. I know because when I was a kid the only thing I could do right is procrastinate. For example being my mother loved music and like playing the piano even more, guess what I needed take piano lessons. Oh I like music and even liked the piano but I didn’t like to practice.

You know a kid has to play and that is what I did all week. Then the day of my music lesson I would be terrified because I didn’t practice my lesson and I knew my teacher would be upset with me. I must say she sure had a lot of patience with me, because week after week I wasn’t performing will at all, but she kept coming.

Do you want pressure this was pressure. My teacher always had a piano recital and to top it off you had to memories the music you were to play. Well the big night came and I was the third person to play. I peeked out through the currents and saw that it very dark and the only light was on the stage. Ms. whatever her name was gave me instruction on how to go to the piano. I thought she told me to walk around the piano and that is what I did. To this day I am sure that is what he said. Well there I went walking on stage and going all the way around the piano. My mother about died.

Well I got to the piano stool and sat down. Looking at the key board my mind went blank. Since I didn’t practice much I really didn’t know the song I was to play all the way through. For some reason I knew the first part pretty good but the last part I don’t know at all, so I did what any red blood American boy would do and kept playing the first part of the song over and over. When I felt it was time to stop I did and got up and bowed, because that is what Ms. what her name told me to do.

It was over for another year and I was very relieved. Yes my mother had me continue taking lesson and old what’s her name was kept coming to our house for my weekly lesson.

Of all the things I have done in life piano lessons was the most pressure I have ever experienced.

Oh I could give other horror stories but they would be too painful for me. So let’s just say don’t procrastinate., because all the pain I put myself through with just a little practice would have relieved so much tension I put myself throw because I didn’t practice.

You know what they say “Practice make perfect”

Happiness with Wealth to you



Saturday, May 23, 2009

The award

The other night I received an award from Volunteer Broward. Broward is the County that Ft. Lauderdale, Florida is in. Those folks in Hollywood Florida don’t like it when refer to Ft. Lauderdale as the heart of Broward County, will back to the award.

When I was told that I would receive this award I started to think about what I would say. A Child Is Missing is the organization that nominated me so I felt I should give them some time in my talk.

I’ll give you brief idea of what I would say About A Child Is Missing . A Child Is Missing is the conduit between law enforcement and the public. Law enforcement calls A Child Is Missing with a description of the child or older person and the last known place they were seen. The A Child Is Missing through modern technology can get all the phone number in the area where the person was last seen. Then they can make one thousand calls per minute with the description and number to call if someone spots the missing person, which is normally a youngster.

With that done I wanted to thank all the volunteers for helping make this world a better place.

Because I am an author and have a book out call “Happiness in eight Steps” I would tell everyone my happiness moment. And that was the day Micki and I got married. Are journey as taken us over forty five year and we are still looking forward to journey ahead. It takes many things to have such a wonderful journey, but one that I think is at the top of the list is humor.

Here is an example of what keeps me laughing. When we were first married I asked Micki why she married me and she said “Because you ask me”. And that’s the way it is.

Now for the kicker, there were sixty five others that receive awards for Volunteer Broward. Thus no one could make any remarks, but because I had put so much thought into what I was to say I just had to share it with you

Happiness with Wealth to you



Friday, May 22, 2009

Behavior style – Compliance

We have now covered three of the four behavior styles. Here is the last behavior style compliance.

As I have told you before here is no one behavior style better than the other. If you circled three or four words in line four more than likely you have a compliant behavior style. Let’s take a look at how they are and how to deal with them.

Behavior style .The Dot-the-I’s-and-cross-the-T

They are:
• Precise
• Perfectionist
• Orderly
• Diplomatic
• Accurate
• Meticulous

Tips on dealing with Dot-the-I’s-and-cross-the-T’s people:
• Be organized.
• Don’t force quick decisions.
• Do let them think through the project, but do set a
realistic deadline.

One thing about this style they take a long time to make a decision and when they do make a decision it will be not be a big break throws one. Why I call this behavior style dot-the-I and-cross-the-T’s is that is what they do. Everything has to be just right. They do will at detail type of work. They will do your worrying for you.

You have now at a look at the four behavior style. Actually you got a snap shoot of how deal with the four behavior styles. I hope you have a better understanding of yourself and others.

Now for the FREE offer. E-mail me at and I’ll E-mail you how to take the behavior assessment. It only take ten minutes to complete and you will get your assessment as soon as your’ finished. You will be surprise at the results.

Happiness with Wealth to you




Thursday, May 21, 2009

Behavior style – Steadiness

There are the four behavior styles and we have covered two, Dominance and Influencing now we are going to cover steadiness or what I call steady Eddy. They are 40% of the population so it is good that you get to know who they are. Just to remind you, one behavior style is not any better than the other.
Here are what steady Eddy’s are and what they like.

The Steady Eddy are:
• Adaptable
• Systematic
• Deliberated
• Patient
• Relaxed
• Habitual

Tips on dealing with Steady Eddy people:
• Don’t rush them right into business.
• They need stroking.
• Give them on project at a time. Let them know if they are doing well.
• Don’t be abrupt.

You will like steady people because they want to help. They also don’t tell a lot about what they have on their mind unless they trust you and then they don’t tell you much. Example if the place was on fire they might not tell you unless you are a trusted friend. I might have given you an over exageration. The point is they don’t share a lot of information with other. They might be going through some very difficult times but you would never know it.

You have now been exposed to the dominance, influencing and what I call Mr. or Ms. Steady behavior styles,. Next we will cover the compliance behavior style.

When we finish all four behavior styles I’ll have a special offer for you and it won’t coast you a thing. Stay tuned.

Happiness with Wealth to you




Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Behavior style – Influencer

We have covered the dominate behavior style now let’s look at the influencing behavior style. Please forgive me but I have to tell you that one behavior style is not better that the other.

The Infuencer - Communicator/Talker (that is me)

They are:
• Optimistic
• Inspiring
• Persuasive
• Convincing
• Sociable
• Trusting

Tips on dealing with Communicator/Talker people:
• Don’t muffle them.
• Don’t talk down to them.
• Let them talk or you’ll frustrate them. (That’s me, again.)

If you circled three or four of the words in line two it is a good chance that you are an influencer. Line two had words like optimistic, inspiring, etc. If you are not an influence that is OK. You can get an idea if others are influencers or not by how they act.

The tips can make your life easier, because using the tips you will make the person with an influencing behavior style fell comfortable. If you muffle them they get frustrated and will not have their full attentions to what you are saying. Talk town to them and you turn them off, so let them talk. You do have to be diplomatic is closing a conversation with them or you can be with them a lot longer than you needed or wanted.

You have now been exposed to the dominance and influencing behavior styles. Next time we will go over what I call Mr. or Ms. Steady.
When we finish all four behavior styles I’ll have a special offer for you and it won’t coast you a thing. Stay tuned

Happiness with Wealth to you




Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Behavior style – Dominate

We are now going to go over each of the behavior styles. We will start with Dominance, but there is no order. One behavior style is no better or worse than the other.

Here are some tips to help you know if a person as a high Dominate behavior style. Then there are tips in how to deal with the High-dominate person.
High-Dominate Style

They are:
• Demanding
• Commanding
• Pioneering
• Direct
• Competitive
• Determined

Tips on dealing with High-Dominant Style people:
• Don’t ramble on, or waste their time. Time is very important to them.

They have things to do and place to go, now.
• Don’t try to chit-chat. Stick to business.
• Do give them information in bullet-point form. Not more than two or three.

You can give back-up material for the rest.

Do you see any things in the above that are like you, if so you are more than likely have a high-dominate behavior style? And if you circled the first three or four words in line one it is even a better chance you are a high-dominate behavior style.

You might have circle some word in the first part of the other lists, but more than likely not many.

The next time we well go over the influencer. When we finish all four behavior style I’ll have a special offer for you and it won’t cost you a red cent.

Happiness with Wealth to you




Monday, May 18, 2009

Sorry about that

That is the first time I tried to put columns in my blog, let alone read them in a podcast. The columns didn’t look like columns and as of right now I don’t know how to make it look right, so I got myself out of the box and change how to present it to you.

Now you will see four lines. Circle four of the word in each line that best describes you. Later I’ll go over what that means and how it can help you understand yourself and others.

Hers is line one.

1. Demanding, Driving, Ambitious, Pioneering, Strong-willed, Cooperative, Low-Keyed, Cautious and Agreeable

2. Inspiring, Magnetic, Enthusiastic, Political, Persuasive, Factual, Skeptical, Logical and Pessimistic

3. Relaxed, Passive, Patient, Predictable, Possessive, Restless, Alert, Impatient and Impulsive

4. Evasive, Worrisome, Careful, Dependent, Cautious, Independent, Stubborn, Opinionated and Unbending
As we covered the other day there are four behavior styles, Dominance, Influencing, Steadiness and Compliance. We are all a blend of each but have one or two that are much stronger than the others.

We will cover each behavior styles the next time we get together. You will find it worth you time to learn your high behavior style and how to identify others. Till the next time.

Happiness with Wealth to you




Saturday, May 16, 2009

Do you know your self

Before we jump in on knowing yourself, I want to encourage you to do the what you like and what you’re good at exercise. It can be a real help in moving you in the right direction and or reassure you that you on the right path.

Ok with the said let’s start with how to help you know more about yourself, so you can be more of what you want to be. Some of you might have a real handle on yourself and others might find that they can learn some things about themselves that will be a spring board to reaching their dreams.

The first thing we will look at is your behavior styles. There are four columns below please circle four words in each column. Do not over think. Circle the ones that hit you as right first.

Demanding Inspiring Relaxed Evasive
Driving Magnetic Passive Worrisome
Ambitious enthusiastic Passive Careful
Pioneering Political Patient Dependent
Strong-willed Enthusiastic Possessive Cautious
Cooperative Factual Restless Independent
Low-Keyed Skeptical Alert Stubborn
Cautious Logical Impatient Opinionated
Agreeable Pessimistic Impulsive Unbending

In the next session I’ll well cover the meaning of the words that you’re circled.
I don’t want to make this over complicated. What you will find out is what your dominate behavior style is. There are four behavior styles, Dominance, Influencing, Steadiness and Compliance. Just so you know we are all a blend of the four. However, we have tendencies toward being high in one or two of the four.

By the way one style is not better than the other. For example great leaders are not just in one behavior style. They can be in any one of the styles.

The real trick is to know your style and learn how to have others complements yours.
The next time I’ll give you the definitions of each style and show you what could be your highest behavior style. Then I will show the best way to work the different styles. Yes I am way ahead of myself so you’ll have to wait tell the next time.

Big problem the columns will not line up. I am sure there is a way to make it work, but I don’t know how. If you want the columns to look right go to and I’ll E-mail you it.
Happiness with Wealth to you


And: Podcast:





Friday, May 15, 2009

Getting better

We talked last of making two lists one on the right side of what you like and the other on the left side of what you do best. This is not something you have to rush, but rather you should put a lot of thought in to it.

OK you have the lists completed and you have ranked them. Your thinking cap is on and you’re ready to start. I’ll give you an example of what my list looks like. I like to be around people. What I do well at is expressing my ideas. So it seemed to me that being a public speaker was something I should explore. I also like to learn and gain knowledge. It so happens that I am a good reader. So gaining knowledge by reading is something that works will for me.

Do you start to see the picture? I married what I like and what I am good at. Today I am an author, speaker, consultant and coach. Being a consultant and coach come from my strong desire to learn and share with others, so they can be everything than can be.

By using this process you can save a lot of time going down the wrong paths. We all know that there is only twenty four hour in a day, thus saving time can be very beneficial. You should give this process a try even if you feel real comfortable about what and where you in life. If it just reassures you that you are where you should be, that would be enough to make it worthwhile.

Being a behavior analysis I have something to share with you the next time we get together. It is amazing how much we don’t know, so what I’ll give you the next time will help will broaden you prospective on dealing with yourself and others.
I am looking forward to sharing things with you that can help you grow in happiness and wealth.

Happiness with Wealth to you




Thursday, May 14, 2009

This is good to do

Do you want to be better at what you do or be a better you, I sure hope so. If we don’t want to improve our selves then the future will never get better. I have never heard anyone say my golf game is good enough or I know all about my chosen profession. There is a inter drive that wants us to be more than we are today, so I am going to give you a method to help you get and keep yourself in constant improvement.

You can start with an empty sheet of paper. First write on one side at the top what you like. You can also use the words like love or passion. The point is put down those things that you have a high interest it. On the other side at the top put down what you do will.

For the first go around just list the items, do not try to rank them. You want to make the list as long as possible. It is a good idea not to do it in one day. Put the list aside and think about the items on the list. I call this crystallization. Why because your minds will be thrashing these items around in your subconscious. And will be working for you and you will not even it know it.

When you go back to the lists you might have found some other items to add and that is good. Make the list as long as possible. When you feel comfortable that you have everything you could possibly put on the list, and then start to rank the items. You are not in a race so take your time. If your’ not sure of some items ranking, then group them together with similar items.

Let’s look at the list that is of the things you like. Just put them in the order of importance to how you like them.

Now let’s look at the list of would you do well at. Take your time and once you have them ranked you might want to ask a close friend about what they think of you top choices on what you do best. It is to make sure you have taken a real honest look at yourself.

You now have both list completed. Then pout them beside side each other. Now is where you creativity and imagination comes in. Look for how you can match what you like at what you good at.

This is very important so take your time. What you are looking for is opportunities to take you to the next level. We’ll go over that in the next time.

Happiness with Wealth to you




Tuesday, May 12, 2009

There are so many wonderful people.

I know that we have so many wonderful people in this world, but in the last week I have had my faith strengthened. Serving as chairman for a Broward College advocacy committee I really got to see some very good people at work helping others. This committee works to raise money for scholar ships and I must say they have a passion for helping those that truly need help to go to college.

Then, I had to go to a Broward College foundations executive committee meeting. Here was another group of people that give their time freely to help others. In the long run, isn’t that what it is all about.

Today I attended a graduation breakfast for “HANDY”. HANDY stands for Helping Abused – Neglected – Disadvantaged Youth and what it does is nothing less than fantastic. They help young people who come from the worst of home environments. They mentor them, coach them and assist these young folks in getting into higher education. To hear these young peoples’ stories of achievement is nothing less than breath taking.

To make all the above happen is the dedication of lots of people. So many of these people work behind the scenes and no one knows they are there, but without them so many people would not get the help that they need.
You can have faith that people are helping people, because they are. Yes, we have had so many things happen that might have caused you to lose faith in others but don’t. The greatest majority of people want to make things better for all and I do mean all.

If you still have doubts, there is a way to cure your doubts, and that is to get involved. Get involved in something you have a real passion for. As you get more intertwined in your passion, you will start to see successes you will get to meet the unsung heroes that are helping make this world a better place.
Get involved and make a difference in the world and in yourself.
Happiness with Wealth to you





Thursday, May 7, 2009

Tips on walking

This might seem real basic, but it is very important. Get yourself a good pair of walking shoes. Make sure they have a good support arch and firm shoes. Also don’t’ ware you’re the heals down to the point they are run over, it will make you walk like a drunken sailor.

Your dress doesn’t need to be anything special. Walking is not a fashion show. You might want loss fitting clothes to give you room and have air flow throw you so you can get rid of your body heat. So far everything’s pretty practical and that as it should be.

Now that you have an idea of what you have to have in shoes and clothing you are off to a life time of healthy exercise. Just think you can go anywhere and walk, will almost. I was in Philadelphia years ago and late one evening my friend Dick and decide to take a walk. It was about 10:00 PM and as we found out it was in the worst part of town. All the stores where boarded up and there were no people on the street. After telling of our last night’s walk we were asked by our local friends if we got mugged. We said no and then it dawned on us why. We were both wearing trench coats with ties on. I guess we look like to police detectives working a beat, so no one bothered us.

Micki and I did something like that on our honeymoon. We were at Niagara Fall staying at the Red Coach Inn. It was a very quant place right across from an island that was in the middle for the falls. On the island was park. The islands name was either Goats or Pigs Island, I can’t remember. Anyways after a great dinner at the Red coach Inn we walked over to the park, I won’t get into the name thing again. It was a cold April night with a brisk breeze. It was a refreshing walk. The next morning the gal at the front desk asked how was everything. We said the dinner at the Inn was sensational and then we took a nice walk on the island. She just about jumped over the front desk. She said” It is not safe over there because gangs meet there at night”. But for some reason the good lord was watching over us and nothing happened.

The point is if your’ in strange location it is probably a good idea to check if it safe to walk there. I don’t want to stop you from walking just because I did some dumb things. I have been walking for over four decades and I am still here.
Walking is good for you so enjoy life and take a walk.

Happiness with Wealth to you





Saturday, May 2, 2009

Take a walk

By taking a walk I am not referring to get out of here, but to do something healthy. Walking is healthy in many ways, one it great cardiovascular exercise, two it good mental exercise.
When I am walking my mind is like flower in a meadow, just as relaxed as it can get. My biggest concern when I am walking is I don’t run into something. At times there is lot of walker and I always give them a smiley good morning and I always get one back.

Walker come in all sizes, shapes, sexes and colors, but we all have one thing I common we enjoy the exercise and enjoy being out side. One couple walks every day and my guess is they are in their early eighties. He uses a cane and she guides him over the rough patches in his path. They are always smiling and talking with one another. It is my wish that Micki and I can enjoy our walk when we reach the golden ages.

There is a reason I walk. One I enjoy it and it makes me feel good in so many ways. Second I can’t run any more do to a large chunk of arthritis in my back and it pains me when I run. I tried swimming but it was too boring for me. I also tried biking but I had to pay too much attention to what I was doing, so walking is what works for me.

So take a walk it is good for you. If you need to extend more effort then run, swim or ride a bike. If you want a challenge let me tell you about my neighbor. He is seventy three and does iron men events. He will be in on in Brazil in June. Now that is really extending yourself.

Be healthy, wealthy, and wise, take a walk.

Happiness with Wealth to you




Friday, May 1, 2009

What makes a botched marriage

I am not a marriage counselor. Now that we got that out of the way I’ll tell you what I am. I am a married man for over forty five years and can say I wouldn’t have had it any other way. Yes there a lot of people that have been married a long time and I appalled them. It is my hope those people have had as good as marriage as Micki and I.

Just so you know I am a Certificated Behavior and Value analysis as well as a BS in management, economics and sociology. So with that all said why I would want to write about botched marriages. The main reason is if I only helped one couple improve their marriage that would be enough to keep me writing more about marriages.
Let get one myth out of the way. It is you have to date or be engaged for a long time to make a good marriage. You decide what is a long time is. In my experience I don’t think having a long term relationship insures a good marriage. Here is my why. Micki and I meet in the fall semester in college and she didn’t even like me and I was so busy I didn’t even notice she didn’t like me. It was spring time and the school years were fast coming to a close. On Friday we had TGIF parties. If you don’t know what that is E-mail me and I’ll let you in on the secret.

Myself and a fraternity brother where driving through campus and we saw Micki and a friend. We pulled over and asked if they wanted a ride to the TGIF. Everyone on campus, but a few nerds, know where it TIG was. Micki and her friend said they would like to go to the TIG, so they jumped in and we were off. Micki didn’t have any money on her so I loaned her 50cent to get in. That was the last time I saw her until the last day of school I was the one who always drove but on this day a bunch of girls I knew want to take me to Silver Lake, a state park with a beach, reluctantly I went with them and had a great time.

As I was being dropped off everyone had to get out because I was in the back seat and it was a two door. As the car emptied out I noticed a good looking body in front of me and to my surprise it was Micki. The next day I asked her out and that was the beginning of the best part of my life. We were pinned in July, engaged in October and would have been married at the end of January, but here mother said we had to wait till after lent.

So on April 11 we were married and been having a blast ever since. So long relationships are not the secret to not having a good marriage, so would is.
I’ll be giving you more insight on botched marriages in article in the future.

Happiness with Wealth to you



