Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How to get things done?

Your’ not going to like this, get started. Don’t wait for the right time. Don’t wait tell you feel right. Just get started. Now here are some things you can does that help assure that you get done what you start.

Take some time to think about what you want to accomplish. Once that is done put it in writing. Don’t think your thoughts are now put in stone, but they are only stepping stone to a successful start of what you want to accomplish.

Now you might take a little time to think about what you want to accomplish. I call this crystallization. What is happening is your subconscious goes to work to for you. Many of time we forget that we have this great computer called a brain that works for us 24/7 and we don’t have to push it. Given time it will be a great help in achieving what you trying to accomplish.

Now that you and your subconscious have done the thinking you can start to put an action plan together. Why this is important is you now put together a time line on achieving your desired goal.

It is important that you review you plan frequently and don’t be afraid to mortify it. But when you do make sure you have done your home work on why you are making the change.

Here is something that we many times forget. We don’t have to do it all ourselves. If you know others that have skills that would be needed to achieve what you want achieve, don’t be afraid to ask for their help
There is another thing Rome wasn’t built in day. At times you will need patience, but that doesn’t mean you stop, but take deep breath and re-energize yourself.
As you move a head you will see things on you action plan getting checked off and with each check mark you are getting closer to achieving the result you have been working toward.

What happens when you have achieved what you have been working for take a deep breath and go on and start all over again? Remember it is the journey which is important, and on the journey we learn so much to apply for further journeys.

Happiness with wealth to you


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Funny story about nothing

You will not find some big insight in this story, but you might find it funny and that what this story is all about. If you have had children or spent time around theses little people you might have stories like this.

I’ll set the scene. Our boys were 5 and 3 and spend a lot of time playing together, so it was normal for them to be busing around the house after dinner.

This particular night we had some friends stop by after dinner and we gathered in our living room, which was hardly ever used. We got settled down and started talking about who know what, but that was OK.

As we and our friend started on our second drink our son Todd came by the living room dressed in his nightie. You could tell he was on a mission, but we weren’t concerned because we didn’t hear any load noise from the direction he came from.
When Todd came back past the living room it got all out attention, because he was carrying and broom and a shovel. We still didn’t hear and noise down the hallway he came from.

Our guest and Micki and I went back to catching up our resent events. Then our all black lab came out of the hallway looking like a chicken. There were feathers all over her and it looked like Velvet, the black lab, really liked the smell of the feathers.

I couldn’t stand it and had to go check thing out in the hallway. You couldn’t believe what I saw. Here was Skip the 5 year old trying to sweep the feathers in to the shovel. If you have ever tried this it doesn’t work. Then came Velvet running right through the center of the pill of feathers, Velvet was was in all her glory.
You probably figures out what happened. The boys were having a friendly pillow fight and one of the bellows reaped open, thus feathers everywhere.

Now our friends and Micki got into the act and started putting the feathers in bags. It would have taken a thousand bags to get all the feathers, in fact in think the feathers kept growing in the hallway. Finally we got out the vacuum and that did the job.

Our friends have never been back and as far as I know the boys have never had another pillow fight. You see I told you this was a story about nothing and I hope you enjoyed it.

Happiness with wealth to you


David is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Being happy builds health

There is more and more evidence that happiness makes you healthier, so I’ll give you some ideas on the things that happiness helps prevent.

Heart problems are a big one. When your laughing your’ happy and your’ doing more than just being happy your strengthen your heart and here is why.

One of things that happens when you laugh it improve the function of blood vessels and increase blood flow, which can help protect you against heart attack and other cardiovascular problems.

When you laugh you relax the whole body. A good hearty laugh relieves physical tension and stress, leaving your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes.

It keeps getting better. Laughter triggers the release of endorphin, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. Endorphins promote an overall sense of well-being and can even temporarily relieve pain and can even temporarily relieve pain.

Laughter boosts the immune system and it decrease stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, thus improving you resistance to disease.

There are things you can do to help yourself look at the lighter side of life:

Laugh at yourself
Attempt to laugh and situations rather than bemoan them.
Surround yourself with reminders to lighten up.
Keep things in perspective
Deal with you stress
Pay attention to children and emulate them

Have you learned anything yet? How about humor can reduce stress and too much of the wrong kind of stress is harmful. We live in a stressful world and we don’t always take time to do the right, like get the right amount of sleep, dealing with children and spouses. Humor is a certain way to healthy living and a daily dose of humor is not only free, but can help lower your stress. Here are some tips.

Tell someone a joke
Read the cartoons in the paper
Find a hobby.

You can do these things and start building your health. There is so much more you can do and I will be telling about how more way to help build you health with happiness you in the future.

Happiness with wealth to you


David is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My Uncle Earl

Let’s start out that I am believer in getting as much education as you can. With that said some people find education not only in schools but observing. There are some people like Leonardo Da Vinci that have so much brain power they can achieve so much and they lack almost any formal education. If you listened I didn’t say they had no education. Look at Bill Gates in modern times or Sir Richard Branson.

Now let’s take a look at Uncle Earl. Uncle Earl was a very smart man, though he only went through the 8th grade. He was a very will like guy and seemed to all the right thinks. You couldn’t miss him, because he was all of 6’ 2’’ and had a very booming voice.

Part of the booming voice might be that he had a serve hearing problem, which runs in the Lindemann family. I tell that story another time. Now back to Uncle Earl. Without much education Uncle Earl achieve so much.

The first time I can ever remember him was when he had a farm. You see there were four brothers and three sisters in my dad’s family and all had farms, but my dad and gas station Uncle George. All of the sisters and brothers helped each other out during harvesting season. My dad and gas station Uncle George didn’t need the help, not having farms. However, they help the rest out.

For whatever reason Earl was always driving a tracker and you couldn’t miss him because of his size. At times it almost looked like he was holding up the tracker.
When the harvest was competed at Uncle Earls, everyone was given all the vegetables they wanted. In fact Uncle Ear; would put more in everyone car to make sure they got enough.

After Uncle Earl left farming my dad and he went into the wielding business with a mutual friend, for whatever reason my dad and Uncle Earl got out of the wielding business. My dad took a job in part supplier to the appliance industry as a supervisor and I am not sure what Uncle Earl did next but he final landed in the dry cleaning business. He wasn’t satisfied with just one he bought another one and ran them successfully for many years.
Uncle Earl had so much energy, so the dry cleaning business wasn’t enough to keep him challenged. So he started selling travel trailers. What he liked most about the trailer business was picking them up. You see he loved to drive, so driving 5 hour each way to get a trailer just suited him fine.
Are you starting to see some of the traits my Uncle Earl had. For one he was a hard worker, but we know that isn’t enough. He use giving and receiving as part of his daily life. He also was always looking for opportunities. Earl knew what he didn’t know and would find people that could show him what he needed to know. I know that doesn’t sound right so how about this, Uncle Earl could see that he was lacking some knowledge so he would find people that had the knowledge.

One person he would listen to with all ears was my dad. Earl in the beginning was like a bull in china shop, but he would always listen to my dad and as time went on Uncle Earl smoothed out a lot of his rough edges.

In some way we are a little be like Uncle Earl. Some of us have more education or have seen more of the world, but what is most important is to build on our strength and love what you do, then you can have the success in life way beyond you own imagination.

Happiness with wealth to you


David is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

It feels so good to be appreciated

Some scammer pirated my AOL e-mail list and what is worse the whole list was gone. AOL agreed that the list was gone. What has happened, happened, so I have to move on with life. But what was a bad thing turned out to be a very nice thing for me

Sunday morning an old friend from Nashville call just to make sure I was OK. In his heart he knew the E-mail was a scam, but decided to have some fun with me. Because I know him I knew right off the bat what he was up to, but I played along to humor him.

Once we got the fun over with we got into what was really going on. My college is playing football against his college this fall and the game is in Nashville. Micki and I going to attend and Tom, my friend, said he has tickets and that we can stay with them. Wasn’t that a great call.

The appreciation I felt for all thoughts that called and there were many. Everyone knew it was a scam, but for some reason wanted to make sure. Many called and even more sent E-mails. Then there was the group who contacted my close friends to make sure everything was OK.

You don’t have to have something like this happen to you to get the emotional lift I got from all of those that cared, so why don’t you take another tack and send your friend a note thanking them for their friendship. You will be surprised the calls, notes and E-mail you get. People like to be appreciated.

All I can say to everyone is thank you and it is my hope that I can even do more for all of you.

Happiness with wealth to you

David is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Being happy or making other happy, what is more important?

This is like the old debate, which came first the chicken or the egg. You know I don’t have a perfect answer, but I’ll try.

To be happy we have to want to be happy. So now we have a start. Wanting to be happy is the first step. Someone might say I am just happy and don’t think about wanting to be happy. My answer is that’s OK, because your’ happy. Is that a way to duck a question or not.

When your’ happy how do you feel about others? We’ll I’ll tell you how I feel about others. I want them to feel good and happy, so I can go out and help others.

Yes I like to be around happy people, but there are times they just can’t be happy. It could because of circumstances that are just bad, I loss of a love one, a loss of a job, or many others thing that at that moment are out of their control. Being the happy person during that time is not appropriate, but caring and loving attitude is what is most needed.

Underneath what you are giving the grieving person is real happiness, because you are giving them your love and understanding. So you can see happiness does play and important part in helping others.

Now for the big stuff, if your’ not happy how can you help others be happy? The answer to that question is you can’t. Thus you have to be happy before you can help others be happy.

Now that you know what comes first, you have a responsibility to make sure you not only happy but building happiness within yourself. Then and only then can you be of help to others.

Happiness with wealth to you

David is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

Friday, April 16, 2010

When you have a problem take care of it

Maybe I should say instead of problem I should say I have an issue. To me it is all the same you have to deal with them and then move on with life.

As you might already know every day is a good day for me, but there are degrees of good. Like yesterday I had to go to my dentist to check out a tooth that was giving me a little pain, so I wanted to get tit taken care of.

My dentist had this very nice young lady take an X ray of the tooth in question. He couldn’t tell much from the X ray so he told me to open wide and after a few second he said he was going to shoot me up with some pain killers.

You know what that means he was planning some serious work on this tooth. I heard lots of grinding and then a pause. Then he got out some other tools and started probing the tooth. The good thing is I couldn’t feel anything, isn’t that great.
Then there was pause then the dentist said “I never saw a tooth break that way.” At that time I figured that tooth had to go and I was right. This was going to take an oral surgeon, but it was something that couldn’t wait.

My dentist had his assistant call the closes oral surgeon, which just happened to be across the street in the hospital.

The oral surgeon’s office was very modern with all the new things. One form was in an electronic note pad. I just had to initial each line and sign and I was go to go. He asked if I wanted nitric gas and I asked what it will do for me. He told me and I went for the gas. What it does is relax you and once your’ off the gas you are fine.

Shot up with pain killers and gassed the Doctor was ready to go. He told me this could be a difficult extraction. I sounded like it was, because I could hear all this breaking, but you know I didn’t care because I was gassed.

In four months I have go back and he’ll decide if I need a bridge of an implant.
As days go, it was OK. The evening after the extraction there was some pain, but it was livable. Had a GREAT night’s sleep and woke up with NO pain. So now I am on to another good day
Happiness with wealth to you


David is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Here is the scam

Whoever did this got into my AOL E-mail address book and not only used them for this scam, but took them. There wasn’t a single E-mail address in my AOL account.

In the yellow highlight you can see it wasn’t me writing this. I won’t say Down Wales or leave the “s” out of United States. But what was very rewarding to me is so many of you cared. Many of you called me or a member of my family, plus I receive many E-mails
Thank you all for caring. I am saddened that things like this happen and it is my hope that no one took the scam.

God Bless all of you




David Lindemann

I would have signed it David H. Lindemann
Thought you might like to see what the scammers said.

Happiness with wealth to yoh

David is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

Monday, April 12, 2010

People really care

The phone started ringing about 10:30 AM and didn’t stop for an hour. People I haven’t heard from in years where calling. They were calling because they got an E-mail from me stating that I was in Wales. While there my cars was broken into and everything in it was taken. So I was asking my friend for some help.

The first person that call was an old banker friend and he was sure the E-mail was a hoax, but just wanted to make sure. He said after reading the E-mail the second time he was sure I didn’t write it. My friend told me that I the E-mail said “I came down to Wales.” There were other things that did not add up to me writing the E-mail.

Here is the funny part. Fred the one who first call about the E-mail Scam was glad I wasn’t in Wales. Then said he would read it to me and he started right off even before I could say that’s alright you don’t have to. As he got more into to the letter something very strange happened, he started sounding like he was a Brit.

As he kept read using a British accent I was laughing my head off. Here the people that sent this scam E-mail were reportedly from Wales and I am hearing the E-mail like the Brit that wrote it was reading it to me.

Finally he stopped and I let him know he did a great British accent. To my surprise he told me that he was raised in Australia. So now I knew why it sounded so real, it was real.

That was only the beginning of the phone calls. A friend of mine from California called and was glad to hear I wasn’t in Wales. He said in reality he didn’t think I was, but he wanted to call to make sure. He did send a reply to the E-mail asking if the person remembered the project we did on our fraternity house. My friend got a reply stating that he was in such bad frame of mind he couldn’t remember anything.

There were two instructions AOL gave me to stop this. One, change my password, which I did. Two let everyone that might have receive the scam E-mail to check their computers for viruses.

The good thing that happened was I got to talk with some of my friends that I haven’t spoken with in years and the re-enforcement that people really do care. You know there is always some good that comes out things like this.

Happiness with wealth to you


David is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

It was a big day

You have had a big day and today was my big day. That was so big about it? It started out so good and you know every day is a good day for me. But today was a little special.

It wasn’t my birthday, this day was even better. It started by me jumping out of bed with an attitude that this was going to be big day and as I’ll tell you later it was.

After bounding out of bed it was off to get Micki a fountain diet Coke at 7 11. The weather was brisk and the sky was clear so there was no problem driving, so the trip was easy. Back home with the Diet Coke for Micki and I was ready for my walk. Being brisk the walk was extra invigorating.

What a great way to start the day. Now it is time to get moving. And move I did. I first went to my office to write some ideas down. Then I started to make some calls to old friends.

It makes me feel real good when I catch up with friend that I haven’t been in contact with for some time. It started with a call to Sandy, who is an event planner for association I was Chairman of some years ago. Then I called Harold in Alabama. If you ever want to lift your sprits spend some time on the phone with Harold.

I am not done calling yet. You see Harold want phone number of Tom and Kip and sense I haven’t spoken with Kip in a year or better I called him to make sure the number was still good.

There were a few rings and then ladies voice answered. I thought I dialed wrong, but set this David and is Kip there. The lady at the other end said “I name out of the past.” It was Shelia, Kip wife; Kip wasn’t home because he was playing golf with a mutual friend.

Shelia told me they are not home but in Naples Florida and got to have dinner with some other friends of our Gordy and Sandy, that live in Ft. Myers.
Here is the big deal. I got to spend some quality time talk with fiends that I haven’t talked with for years and to me that was big deal.

Happiness with wealth to you


David H. Lindemann is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people