Saturday, June 26, 2010

Getting excited

You would be excited to. Have you ever wanted to start a project and for whatever reason it took longer to get started than you thought. But when you finally got started things started to happen. Well that has happened to me.

“Dump the Grump” the new book I am writing has been laying around in the old brain for over six months. It seemed that I just couldn’t get started and I have a reason for that and I call it “crystallization”. What crystallization is letting your subconscious work for you.
Some time when we try to hard the brain gets locked up, so that is when It time to quit instead of trying to force the issue and put project on hold. Will that is what I did with “Dump the Grump”. Then things started to percolate and the ideas started flying.

The purpose of the book is now clear in my mind and I am now able to start to put the outline together and start to write. You bet I am excited because this is going to a book that will make you laugh, cry and help you rethink how you do things.

Changing things for the good really is what is important to me. If I only help one person that reads “Dump the Grump” and they make positives changes in their life, that would make me feel good because I touched some in a positive way.

“Dump the Grump” gets people to laugh when I tell them the title and that is good, because laughing is so good for us. In the book“ Dump the Grump” you should get some good laughs and this healthy.

When reading “Dump the Grump” you might do some interpersonal evaluation of your life style and that is good also. We are never too old to make positive changes in our lives. It is now known that our mind can continue to grow and expand forever by working it. No more do we have to say we can’t learn new thing, but what we should say I don’t know that yet but I will.

This fall when you read my book “Dump the Grump” you will get some laughs, some ideas on how to be more positive, and how all this will give you happiness which builds health In your life.

Happiness with health and wealth to you


David H. Lindemann is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

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