Yesterday I had the disinct pleasure of being part of very moving and really successful workshop. The premise of the workshop was Good to Great. What was so rewarding is that there were over twenty people there and they all contributed.
Then at lunch there was some at each table the either has won an award or received a scholar ship from the foundation. I was lucky enough to set next to Dora. Dora is very special. At the age of fourteen she and family moved to Pa. from Cuba. She said they only had the cloths on their backs.
But, because of some special people that helps her family get the feet on the ground and then the family started to get Americanized. Her whole family where teacher so guess what, that is what she became.
Dora now has a PhD in French History. She had dot go through the course work twice because of an administrative botch up. She now has over 100 credits in graduate studies, boy that is a lot graduate credits.
She loves what she does. So I asked her “what is one of the most exciting things that has happened to her as a teacher”. She couldn’t get the words out fast enough. She said “When you see the light bulbs goes off and the student has truly learned what she has been teaching them”.
We talked about so many other things and before we knew it lunch was over. It is my hope to meet and talk with her again, because I know there is so much I can learn from her.
Monday I am calling to call her and set up a visit. Why should I wait I will do it first thing in the morning.
When you meet a special person let them know that they are special it is good for theme and good for you.
Happiness with Wealth to you
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