Yes Micki and I had a great holiday even with three days of rain. You don’t want hear about our great holiday, but wait a minute there is a silver lining in this story.
Personally I got so much done and it seemed so easy. Finished some pot casts wrote a couple of blogs got ready for some projects I had to in the coming week and re-read “Good to Great”.
I re-read the book because I am part of a workshop for the Boward College Foundation and the President Dr. David Armstrong is using the book as tool for his team’s development.
You know me I am always up for improvement so I got the book out and went over it with a not so fine tooth comb. Boy I am real glad I did because I got some real good ideas for my personal development.
I now have one Big Hairy Audacious Goal or as Jim Collins calls it BHAG. He says there are good ones and bad one. The one I made is a good one.
So what is my good BHAG? It is to be the best in the world at telling positive stories on how to help people learn how happiness can build them success. That’s it. I have actual spent a life time developing this BHAG... Now I am ready to make it happen.
I am starting a new book on that very subject I haven’t come up with a title yet, but I am sure I will, but the outline for the book is starting to take shape.
There are so many stories I know of those that have had long a lasting success and lived very happy lives. Each of the stories have a different twist, but they all convey the concept of happiness to success.
You can help me with this book by sharing with me some you stories. You can do this by E-mail me at or go to and put a message to me on contact.
We can put this book together as a team, won’t that be wonderful.
Feel FREE to invite me to one or your meetings and I’ll share with everyone how they can build happiness to success.
Happiness with Wealth to you
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