I know that we have so many wonderful people in this world, but in the last week I have had my faith strengthened. Serving as chairman for a Broward College advocacy committee I really got to see some very good people at work helping others. This committee works to raise money for scholar ships and I must say they have a passion for helping those that truly need help to go to college.
Then, I had to go to a Broward College foundations executive committee meeting. Here was another group of people that give their time freely to help others. In the long run, isn’t that what it is all about.
Today I attended a graduation breakfast for “HANDY”. HANDY stands for Helping Abused – Neglected – Disadvantaged Youth and what it does is nothing less than fantastic. They help young people who come from the worst of home environments. They mentor them, coach them and assist these young folks in getting into higher education. To hear these young peoples’ stories of achievement is nothing less than breath taking.
To make all the above happen is the dedication of lots of people. So many of these people work behind the scenes and no one knows they are there, but without them so many people would not get the help that they need.
You can have faith that people are helping people, because they are. Yes, we have had so many things happen that might have caused you to lose faith in others but don’t. The greatest majority of people want to make things better for all and I do mean all.
If you still have doubts, there is a way to cure your doubts, and that is to get involved. Get involved in something you have a real passion for. As you get more intertwined in your passion, you will start to see successes you will get to meet the unsung heroes that are helping make this world a better place.
Get involved and make a difference in the world and in yourself.
Happiness with Wealth to you
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