We have covered the dominate behavior style now let’s look at the influencing behavior style. Please forgive me but I have to tell you that one behavior style is not better that the other.
The Infuencer - Communicator/Talker (that is me)
They are:
• Optimistic
• Inspiring
• Persuasive
• Convincing
• Sociable
• Trusting
Tips on dealing with Communicator/Talker people:
• Don’t muffle them.
• Don’t talk down to them.
• Let them talk or you’ll frustrate them. (That’s me, again.)
If you circled three or four of the words in line two it is a good chance that you are an influencer. Line two had words like optimistic, inspiring, etc. If you are not an influence that is OK. You can get an idea if others are influencers or not by how they act.
The tips can make your life easier, because using the tips you will make the person with an influencing behavior style fell comfortable. If you muffle them they get frustrated and will not have their full attentions to what you are saying. Talk town to them and you turn them off, so let them talk. You do have to be diplomatic is closing a conversation with them or you can be with them a lot longer than you needed or wanted.
You have now been exposed to the dominance and influencing behavior styles. Next time we will go over what I call Mr. or Ms. Steady.
When we finish all four behavior styles I’ll have a special offer for you and it won’t coast you a thing. Stay tuned
Happiness with Wealth to you
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