We are now going to go over each of the behavior styles. We will start with Dominance, but there is no order. One behavior style is no better or worse than the other.
Here are some tips to help you know if a person as a high Dominate behavior style. Then there are tips in how to deal with the High-dominate person.
High-Dominate Style
They are:
• Demanding
• Commanding
• Pioneering
• Direct
• Competitive
• Determined
Tips on dealing with High-Dominant Style people:
• Don’t ramble on, or waste their time. Time is very important to them.
They have things to do and place to go, now.
• Don’t try to chit-chat. Stick to business.
• Do give them information in bullet-point form. Not more than two or three.
You can give back-up material for the rest.
Do you see any things in the above that are like you, if so you are more than likely have a high-dominate behavior style? And if you circled the first three or four words in line one it is even a better chance you are a high-dominate behavior style.
You might have circle some word in the first part of the other lists, but more than likely not many.
The next time we well go over the influencer. When we finish all four behavior style I’ll have a special offer for you and it won’t cost you a red cent.
Happiness with Wealth to you
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