Do you want to stop procrastinating? Here is how, just start doing whatever you were going to put off. You say easy for you, but not for me. Let’s look at the pain you cause yourself. Having less pain should help you to get moving on whatever you are putting off. Do you want you spouse to nag it you or worse, or how about getting on the wrong side of your boss, that’s not good either. OK so you don’t like pain. Here is some ideas to help you get moving on whatever you’r postponing.
This might sound a little simple but here I go. As soon as you find out that you have to do something , start it right away. You know the old saying a thousand mile journey start with the first step. So do something to get started.
In my workshop on Win-Win with Happiness I have often use this statement on the high powered up and comers. They tend to think they really know everything, so this normally takes them back a step or two.
Here is what I tell them. “When you spouse asks you do something, to it right then and there”. You guessed it I get a lot of blank stares, like what advice is that.
The advice comes from year of experience. Now when Micki asked me to do something, I stop what I am doing and do it or least start to do it. It doesn’t sound like much but it works. I find my to-do list is not as long as it was before I started to react so quickly to her requests.
What does this have to do with procrastination? In my opinion when you fail to start something you know you have to do, you are procrastinating.
A professor in college gave me some very good advice on study habits and they really made college at lot easier. The first thing he told me was to go to class and take good notes. Will I did that so far so good. Then he told me to go and read the reading assignments as soon after the class as possible. That I didn’t do. Then he told me to read my notes and then re-read the reading assignment and underline the key ideas. I didn’t do that either. Finally he told me before the exam read the underline key ideas in the text and go over my notes.
I took is advise and used his study methods and guess what I became a honor student. Can you believe that?
To stop procrastination get started, you will have lot less pain.
Happiness with Wealth to you
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