I am not a marriage counselor. Now that we got that out of the way I’ll tell you what I am. I am a married man for over forty five years and can say I wouldn’t have had it any other way. Yes there a lot of people that have been married a long time and I appalled them. It is my hope those people have had as good as marriage as Micki and I.
Just so you know I am a Certificated Behavior and Value analysis as well as a BS in management, economics and sociology. So with that all said why I would want to write about botched marriages. The main reason is if I only helped one couple improve their marriage that would be enough to keep me writing more about marriages.
Let get one myth out of the way. It is you have to date or be engaged for a long time to make a good marriage. You decide what is a long time is. In my experience I don’t think having a long term relationship insures a good marriage. Here is my why. Micki and I meet in the fall semester in college and she didn’t even like me and I was so busy I didn’t even notice she didn’t like me. It was spring time and the school years were fast coming to a close. On Friday we had TGIF parties. If you don’t know what that is E-mail me and I’ll let you in on the secret.
Myself and a fraternity brother where driving through campus and we saw Micki and a friend. We pulled over and asked if they wanted a ride to the TGIF. Everyone on campus, but a few nerds, know where it TIG was. Micki and her friend said they would like to go to the TIG, so they jumped in and we were off. Micki didn’t have any money on her so I loaned her 50cent to get in. That was the last time I saw her until the last day of school I was the one who always drove but on this day a bunch of girls I knew want to take me to Silver Lake, a state park with a beach, reluctantly I went with them and had a great time.
As I was being dropped off everyone had to get out because I was in the back seat and it was a two door. As the car emptied out I noticed a good looking body in front of me and to my surprise it was Micki. The next day I asked her out and that was the beginning of the best part of my life. We were pinned in July, engaged in October and would have been married at the end of January, but here mother said we had to wait till after lent.
So on April 11 we were married and been having a blast ever since. So long relationships are not the secret to not having a good marriage, so would is.
I’ll be giving you more insight on botched marriages in article in the future.
Happiness with Wealth to you
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