By taking a walk I am not referring to get out of here, but to do something healthy. Walking is healthy in many ways, one it great cardiovascular exercise, two it good mental exercise.
When I am walking my mind is like flower in a meadow, just as relaxed as it can get. My biggest concern when I am walking is I don’t run into something. At times there is lot of walker and I always give them a smiley good morning and I always get one back.
Walker come in all sizes, shapes, sexes and colors, but we all have one thing I common we enjoy the exercise and enjoy being out side. One couple walks every day and my guess is they are in their early eighties. He uses a cane and she guides him over the rough patches in his path. They are always smiling and talking with one another. It is my wish that Micki and I can enjoy our walk when we reach the golden ages.
There is a reason I walk. One I enjoy it and it makes me feel good in so many ways. Second I can’t run any more do to a large chunk of arthritis in my back and it pains me when I run. I tried swimming but it was too boring for me. I also tried biking but I had to pay too much attention to what I was doing, so walking is what works for me.
So take a walk it is good for you. If you need to extend more effort then run, swim or ride a bike. If you want a challenge let me tell you about my neighbor. He is seventy three and does iron men events. He will be in on in Brazil in June. Now that is really extending yourself.
Be healthy, wealthy, and wise, take a walk.
Happiness with Wealth to you
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