Procrastination is bad, real bad. I know because when I was a kid the only thing I could do right is procrastinate. For example being my mother loved music and like playing the piano even more, guess what I needed take piano lessons. Oh I like music and even liked the piano but I didn’t like to practice.
You know a kid has to play and that is what I did all week. Then the day of my music lesson I would be terrified because I didn’t practice my lesson and I knew my teacher would be upset with me. I must say she sure had a lot of patience with me, because week after week I wasn’t performing will at all, but she kept coming.
Do you want pressure this was pressure. My teacher always had a piano recital and to top it off you had to memories the music you were to play. Well the big night came and I was the third person to play. I peeked out through the currents and saw that it very dark and the only light was on the stage. Ms. whatever her name was gave me instruction on how to go to the piano. I thought she told me to walk around the piano and that is what I did. To this day I am sure that is what he said. Well there I went walking on stage and going all the way around the piano. My mother about died.
Well I got to the piano stool and sat down. Looking at the key board my mind went blank. Since I didn’t practice much I really didn’t know the song I was to play all the way through. For some reason I knew the first part pretty good but the last part I don’t know at all, so I did what any red blood American boy would do and kept playing the first part of the song over and over. When I felt it was time to stop I did and got up and bowed, because that is what Ms. what her name told me to do.
It was over for another year and I was very relieved. Yes my mother had me continue taking lesson and old what’s her name was kept coming to our house for my weekly lesson.
Of all the things I have done in life piano lessons was the most pressure I have ever experienced.
Oh I could give other horror stories but they would be too painful for me. So let’s just say don’t procrastinate., because all the pain I put myself through with just a little practice would have relieved so much tension I put myself throw because I didn’t practice.
You know what they say “Practice make perfect”
Happiness with Wealth to you
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