This might seem real basic, but it is very important. Get yourself a good pair of walking shoes. Make sure they have a good support arch and firm shoes. Also don’t’ ware you’re the heals down to the point they are run over, it will make you walk like a drunken sailor.
Your dress doesn’t need to be anything special. Walking is not a fashion show. You might want loss fitting clothes to give you room and have air flow throw you so you can get rid of your body heat. So far everything’s pretty practical and that as it should be.
Now that you have an idea of what you have to have in shoes and clothing you are off to a life time of healthy exercise. Just think you can go anywhere and walk, will almost. I was in Philadelphia years ago and late one evening my friend Dick and decide to take a walk. It was about 10:00 PM and as we found out it was in the worst part of town. All the stores where boarded up and there were no people on the street. After telling of our last night’s walk we were asked by our local friends if we got mugged. We said no and then it dawned on us why. We were both wearing trench coats with ties on. I guess we look like to police detectives working a beat, so no one bothered us.
Micki and I did something like that on our honeymoon. We were at Niagara Fall staying at the Red Coach Inn. It was a very quant place right across from an island that was in the middle for the falls. On the island was park. The islands name was either Goats or Pigs Island, I can’t remember. Anyways after a great dinner at the Red coach Inn we walked over to the park, I won’t get into the name thing again. It was a cold April night with a brisk breeze. It was a refreshing walk. The next morning the gal at the front desk asked how was everything. We said the dinner at the Inn was sensational and then we took a nice walk on the island. She just about jumped over the front desk. She said” It is not safe over there because gangs meet there at night”. But for some reason the good lord was watching over us and nothing happened.
The point is if your’ in strange location it is probably a good idea to check if it safe to walk there. I don’t want to stop you from walking just because I did some dumb things. I have been walking for over four decades and I am still here.
Walking is good for you so enjoy life and take a walk.
Happiness with Wealth to you
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