We all come from some kind of family. Recently I met a young man who has spent most of his childhood in foster care. You know something he was one of the nicest young men I have ever met. I just knew by talking to him he is going to be a very successful person.
Me I lived all my life in a normal family. If anyone knows what normal is please let me know. Anyways my Mom and Dad made sure my sister and I were well taken care of. We got everything we needed and then some, but most important we got love.
Both my Mom and Dad came from large families so I had plenty of cousins to play with when there was a family event. Sometimes my cousins and I played too hard and drove our parent’s nuts, but they survived.
Then Micki and I got married and started our own family. Two boys, Skip and Todd, and I must say the where not difficult children. If you ask them now I am sure they would have many stories about their child hood that Micki and I had never heard of and that is as it should be.
Here is what I want to tell you, last night we took Skip, Deb, Jake 9 and Zoey 3 out to dinner to celebrate Skip and Deb’s wedding anniversary. Having the evening together was real special for Micki and me. It brought back so many memories watching the grand kids challenge Skip and Deb. I must say they handled the kid’s just fine.
In two week we get to see our Dallas family. Todd’s and his three girls, they are older than Jake and Zoey, so I am sure they will teach us a thing or two.
If I have given you one idea to enrich your life it is by taking time to be with your family. You don’t have to run their lives, but rather enjoy them for what they are.
We only go around once in this life so make the best of it and spend time with you family.
Happiness with Wealth to you
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