Having reserve is good whether it is money or good things you have done for others. What do I mean good things you have done for others?
It is actually real simple, the more good things you do for others you’re your account grows with the person that you done the good things for. . Now when you need some special needs from that person you have build a positive account with them so they are more than likely want to pay you back.
You will find is so much easier to have others help you when you have accumulated a good balance of good things you have done for them.
It is easy. All you have to be is good to others and when they have a time of need help them. The dividends that you will get from you actions will help you so much in life.
Just think you will have people wanting to help you and they will be doing it because they like you. What is wrong with that?
Recently I was with a friend in Dallas and he remarked how Texans really make you feel comfortable. I must say I have found that where ever I have been. Smile, say thank you, and extend a helping hand and you will have more friends than you can ever imagine.
It is a simple recipe, be nice to others and they’ll be nice to you. Why not have others wanting to be around you and willing to give a helping hand.
So building a reserve is not hard at all and the rewards make you life such a pleasant one. As the old ad said’ “Try it you’ll like it”.
Happiness with Wealth to you
And: http://www.lindemannletters.com
Podcast: http://tinyurl.com/cqbdem
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