It is incredible how much you and learn when you stand back at watch what is going around you. I doesn’t matter where you are there is so much to see and learn.
It is like when that person passes you pulls up in front of you and makes a turn. When you look behind you there is not a car but this person had to get in front of then slow down and turn
What I have learned by watching this happen many times is not let it bother me. Yes some years ago it would have made my blood bowl, but not today.
Why the transformation, will I have observed that I wouldn’t have much further ahead even if the person didn’t cut in front of me and then slow down and turn. So why have it make my day a little worse, instead I don’t let it bother me and my day goes on in much more pleasantly.
Now this might not seem like a big deal, but Micki it is. Now I don’t get upset with this person, whom I don’t know, but continue on may way with out the frustration of frustrating Micki. I most say that make everyone have a better day.
Watching and learning is as natural as falling off a bridge. If you pay attention you will learn some things that can help you make your life a much better one.
One of the things about people turning in front of me then slowing to turn that was so disturbing to me is they were taking my space and time. Part of the watching is observing your self.
A big part of watching and learning is look at yourself and honesty evaluates some of your actions that cause you frustration.
Watching others is like looking in the mirror at times. When you see things in others that bother you, take the time so see if you might be doing the same things.
Lastly no matter what your age it is never to late watch and learn.
Happiness with Wealth to you
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