Do you remember when you were little and your mom or dad picked you up and gave you very special hug and said “I love you”. I can remember it made me feel so safe.
Then there was that special feeling when you fell in love with that special someone. I thought I was walking on water. My whole insides would just worm up when I was around Micki. You know something I feel like that when I am with her today.
Do you remember looking in the crib at your child sleeping so peacefully? It was hard for me to believe that little one was ours. Even today when I am around one of the boys, yes we had two boys not that I am proud, and they were and still are very great guys.
Now we have grand children. They grow up so fast and we don’t get to see them enough, but when we do it always raises my spirits.
Being around people you love is important part of making life worth all the ups and downs we all go throw.
Next week we are going to Texas to visit Todd, our son, and his three daughters, Dara , Mia and Sawyer. There at the age that they will be telling us what they want to do and Micki and I can’t wait to be with them and take them where ever they want to go.
It can’t get any better than being around people you love especially when you’re with your grand children.
Being around people you love does so many wonderful things for us, so go out and do it.
Happiness with Wealth to you
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