OK, OK. So you don’t have to be in Ft. Lauderdale, Fl to have happiness with wealth, but for me it has worked for over thirty nine years.
I don’t like cold as I talked about in my book“Happiness in Eight Steps” so living in Ft. Lauderdale works very well for me. Some time ago I wrote a blog on it being in the low 50’s and how I didn’t like.
Guess what so guy form Illinois wrote back to tell me that the other morning it was minus 5 degrees and he went running. Well the end of the story for me.
Now just because I love living in Ft. Lauderdale doesn’t mean I want you to come rushing down here to live. No stay where you are. There are already too many people living here.
I must say it is a good place to vacation in the winter. You can enjoy happiness with wealth in Ft. Lauderdale and then go home. Your happy for a while and am happy because you have visited our wonderful town.
Now mind you I am not in the Hotel or restaurant business, so if you don’t come to Ft. Lauderdale to visit it won’t impact me one way or another.
Happiness with wealth in Ft. Lauderdale is something special. You can live like the rich and famous for a couple of week and then go home to your family and friends.
If you’re coming to Ft. Lauderdale go www.happinesswithwealth.com and drop me note with your e-mail address and I’ll give some names of local restaurants and some special places to go.
Believe it or not the only Indians with have today own the gambling casinos and they are pretty nice. There is one thing I do have to warn you about and that is getting sun burn. Even if you are only going out for a little while put on some GOOD sunscreen.
That is happiness with wealth in Ft. Lauderdale tell the next time.
Happiness with Wealth to you
And: http://www.lindemannletters.com
Podcast: http://tinyurl.com/cqbdem
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