Last night we attended an award program for Outstanding Scholars, Endowed Teaching Chair Recipients and the Distinguished Alumna. Being a member of the Broward College Foundation Board I felt it was my duty to attend. Believe me I am happy for the recipients, but many of these types of events, I have to say, are just boring.
Boring this event was not. It moved along at a pace that was not field with dead spots. The presentation we crisp and short with a lot of artistry. There were music students form the college that sang and danced for us and they were good. You have to think that these students have been training for year and it showed.
But the highlight of the evening was Brain Stokes Mitchell. He is a Tony Award winning Broadway leading man. He wasn’t just good he was great. Before he sang he gave the story of the song he was about to sing and what it meant to him. Brain being an actor did more than just sing he put so much feeling in his presentation. When he finished is first song the whole audience stood and clapped for quite a while.
Brain came back again but this time he was carrying his new Broward College Diploma. You could see how happy he was. He told us that he never went to college but got his train through the school of hard knocks. He also told any of the students that he won’t recommend that to them, but they should stay in school.
The he sang a song from Rag Time and told another story about the song. The song was about this man holding his infant son and dreaming about future for his son. Brain said the song now has more meaning because he to has a son and he has dreams for him.
The event ended right on time with Brain and students singing and giving there bows to us. All I can say we saw something very special.
Happiness with Wealth to you
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