One of the keys to success is to manage your thoughts. What that means is to keep your thoughts on your passion. By doing that you don’t allow your mind to get cluttered with things that will not get you to where you want to go.
When you find what you desire turn it into an intension. Desire is important, but together with intention comes real power because it anchors you in the present. The present is where your desires are, your intentions is where you want to go.
If you have ever seen a golfer look down the fare way before taking a shoot, what the golfer is doing is visualizing the shoot. They know where the ball is going to go before they hit it. So if your’ going to hit a golf ball the desire is you want to hit a good shot and the intent is you know where you want it to go.
To be successful you have want to do it will and you have to know what you want to have happen. Now that doesn’t seem to difficult does it.
What you have to do is find out what your are passion. Sometimes you know it right off and other times you might not be so sure. To help you find your passion take a look at what you really like to do and care for. Then look at what you do will. By looking at these two things you can bring clarity to what your passion is.
Let’s say you love to play tennis and you are better than the average person at the game. You also know you like to help people. Now you can start to explore some of the possibilities. Maybe you might want to let others know how to overcome fundamental mistake most tennis players make.
This might be good blog to start. Giving people tips on how to improve their tennis game by eliminating so common mistakes. If you are consistent and have solid content in you blog after some time you will have a following. Now you might put together an E-book on eliminating common mistakes in tennis.
I am not going to put together the whole marketing plan at this time, but let just say this person has seen the light and wants to become the most desired person that people will go to eliminate the common mistakes that people make in tennis.
Finally the passion is in the persons belly and the desire and intent is moving him or her be successful in a field.
Happiness with Wealth to you
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