How about this, being in love with your partner? That is a real good start, but that is just the beginning. Trust is a big thing and trust is something you earn every day. With out trust there is doubt and it is hard to trust your spouse if you have doubt. Here is where the earning comes in you can’t do things that could bring doubt with you partner.
Staying out late more than would be acceptable or not giving you spouse the attention that is needed. So trust is key element for a good marriage.
Doing the little things. Be a partner with you spouse. Help with dishes, do the things your spouse cares about with out being told. Remembering the little and big things and make a big deal out of them.
We all need to feel wanted so show your spouse that she is most special person in your life. Bring something home that she likes, with out being told. That is a big one. Everyone likes to have some special recognition so why not your spouse.
Do the unexpected from time to time. Take her to her favorite place for dinner or give her that back rub she loves, but do something that is not expected.
Share your dreams. It could be your dream house or a dream vacation. It doesn’t matter what as long as you both are sharing the same dream. By sharing your dreams you are strengthening your marriage relationship and that is another step to not only staying married, but to have a very loving and enjoyable one.
Care for your partner. When their sick take special care of them. When they feel blue listen to them, because when they talked about it, it helps them fell better.
Some people go together for years before marriage on other like Micki and I feel in love on second sight and have been married for over 45 years. Yes we have had our ups and downs, but after a down we always come back stronger.
Do some of things I suggested to you and you will be on you way to a loving and happy marriage. I’ll give you more ideas some other time.
Happiness with Wealth to you
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