You don’t normally become successful by just by stumbling into it. Even when you hear stories of people that success just fill in their lap. If you really look at what happened, maybe the area of the success just happened but they had really developed knowledge and skill in some other area that gave them ability to think.
Most people that have achieved success had some kind of plan on how they were going to get there. The plan could have been the first stage of achieving their goal, but as time went on the plan kept developing.
Here is a story of my good friend Bob. Bob wanted to be a dentist from a little boy, why I don’t know but that’s what he wanted to be when he grew up. He researched what it was going to take to be a dentist so in school he took all the classes that would help him achieve his goal and made a plan to get there.
There are people that really don’t know what they want to be when they grow up. That is alright, because they are gain experience in the world and at some time the internal light goes on and they know what they want. When that happens the plan starts, but that doesn’t mean they lost time, because they have found out the many things they didn’t want to be. When Edison was trying to develop the light bulb he made thousand attempts that didn’t work and people would say what are you learning form all these failures. He just told people he now knows what doesn’t work. We all know that Edison did find out what worked.
When you reach your goal it isn’t where you stop it is just the beginning of another journey. The journey on the way to your success is as important if not more important to reaching your goal.
You might have many plans on your journey of life and that is as it should be. Life is too precious to waste. So go ahead make your plans and take the journey it will be the most fulfilling thing you will ever do.
Happiness with Wealth to you
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