We have spent four days with Bob and Jan, the laughers. You can but not have a good time. We have known Bob and Jan for almost forty years, so we have hundreds and hundreds of stories to go over. What is interesting is we spend most of the time talking about present and the future.
Bob asked if I could help him take town the folding awning and as what a good friend would do I helped. I had helped him put it up last spring so you would of thought we would have remembered how to take it down. Wrong, what should have been ten minute job turned into a hour plus and we had to in list the help of the next store lady who was over talking to Jan and Micki.
Jan and Micki had good since to stay away, howe
A great time to laugh is at the dinner table. For what reason I don’t know but we get some great laughing time there. We also find laughing in the car is very good. You know what we find every place is a good laughing place.
Micki and I are heading back to Ft. Lauderdale this morning, but are for we leave we have to have breakfast with Bob and Jan. This will give some more quality laughing time.
The next time we’ll be with Jan and Bob will be at our son Todd’s wedding in the Florida Keys next June. You know what is going to happen? There is going to be a lot of laughing going on.
appiness with Wealth to you
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