Having reserve is good whether it is money or good things you have done for others. What do I mean good things you have done for others?
It is actual real simple, the more good things you do for others you’re your account grows with them. Now when you need something special from someone you have build a positive account of good things, the more they want to help you.
You will find is so much easier to have others help you when you have accumulated a good balance of good things you have done for them. Building a reserve with others is good and keep doing it, remember when someone want to help you and is a good help let them. This works because it is part of the cycle of giving and receiving.
As much as we like to give we have to be able to receive in the same way. Receiving from others helps them build the reserve with you and that is good. You have to look at giving and receiving as a balancing act. You give and help, which build you reserve with others, and they give and help you which in turn help build their reserve with you.
Too much of either building too much or taking away to much is not good, but you know if you just do the right things it naturally works out.
Giving and receiving is as natural as breathing in and breathing out. What comes in has to come out, thus there is a natural balance
If you go through life by making sure you are giving and helping others you will never have to worry about the reserve, because it will naturally be there. And you will have a wonderful and fulfilling life.
Happiness with Wealth to you
And: http://www.lindemannletters.com
Podcast: http://tinyurl.com/cqbdem
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