Last night was very interesting. My high school class of 1959 is having or 50th reunion. Friday nigh was as causal get to gather, tonight is the main event as might say.
There had to 40 people at the causal get to gather and I most say there were just a few that I could recognize, let alone remember their names. Despite this lack of remembering it was a great evening.
As I started to talk with people the memory started to kick in gear. It was funny we didn’t get into what we did in high school, but what we are doing now. Tom is the superintend of a very large school district and has to put in ten hour day just to keep up. He things it is getting too much and might call it quits when his contract if over. I am also funny that we graduated from Eastern Michigan University at the same graduation ceremony.
It is interesting that those that I talked with that either were working or were involved in something that they had a real passion for seemed the happiest. They want you to know how they were doing, but they also wanted to know how I was doing.
It proves that people that keep their minds active stay younger and have minds that are sharp and alert.
Tonight there will be nametags and this will be a great help to me. Tonight I won’t have to call most people hey you. I think people like to be called by their name and the nametags will certainly help.
Though some of my classmates look older than I think they should, but after talking with them you find out there minds are still sharp.
Tonight should be a very enjoyable evening and it my hope that we will talk about
Happiness with Wealth to you
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