When your’ positive you can’t help but be happy. The way to have a fruitful life is to be positive. When you think about it being positive is not really that hard. It like is the glass half empty or half full. It is just how look at it.
Some people always have all the reason why something won’t work. You know what they predict happens. The reason this happens is we tend to get what we think about and if we think something won’t work it won’t.
Thomas Edison made thousand and thousand of experiment trying to make a light bulb. When asked why he kept trying he just told people that he now knows what doesn’t work. Now we all know that he did find out what worked.
What type of people do you want to be around? Ones that are always complaining or just sour pusses, I tell you I don’t like to be around people like that. First they drag you down and second there not fun. I like fun people because they make me feel good and I don’t think there is anything wrong with feeling good.
Positive folks are the ones you want to be around. They make life more enjoyable. They are the ones that encourage you, they laugh with you and they care about you. Being around these types of people also helps improve you happiness and positive thoughts, which in term helps increase you positive attitude.
My suggestion to everyone is to be positive it is good for you health. Here is a story the support this theory. The Sisters of Norte Dame in Milwaukee lived a very simple life. When most of the sister had left this world some researcher studies their diaries. What they found that the ones that had the most positive thoughts lived 8 years longer that the ones that had the most negative thoughts.
Be positive and live longer, it is the only way to go.
Happiness with Wealth to you
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