Over the years I have worked with many people. Here are some of the tools I used to help them better understand them self. They are a variety of assessments. These assessments are easy to administer and easy to understand.
Here is a very brief description of three of them. The first one looks at your personal behaviors of which there are four. The second looks you your values of which there are six. And the third one looks at your person skills which there are twenty three. As you can see by using these assessments you can get a very good look at yourself.
Why understanding your self is so beneficial to you, is that maybe you really don’t know as much about yourself as you think. What I have found that about a third of the people I have worked with had no ideas of them self. The others third thought they did but were way off the mark... The final group had a very good understanding of them self.
For sure the two third that did not really understand them self should know them self better so they can build on their strengths. The third that did have a good understanding of them self should get positive reinforcement from knowing their major strength and weakness.
Let assume we know have a good understanding of our self’s. Now what do we do. We use them in setting our goals. From these assessments we can see what we are good at and the areas we have strong capacities and skills. With this information at hand we can now make much better decisions on ways to achieve our goals.
If you would like to learn more about these assessments go to my Web site: http://www.happinessin8steps.com and contact me and ask for assessment information and I will E-mail it to you.
Happiness with Wealth to you
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