To make money you have do some things that aren’t that hard, but you have to do them. One way to start to make money is to become an expert. Will how do you do that? Let’s start with finding out what the world needs. No use being an expert in something no one wants to know about.
How do you go about finding out what the world needs and wants? Look and listen it is that simple. If you can find some needs that are not being met then you have something that might be worth pursuing.
Once you find a need that needs to be filled you might be on to something. But before you charge into being an expert in the field make sure it something that you can be good at and that you like. If it doesn’t fit with what you are good at and what you like you will have to do more research?
Let’s say you have found something that fits your ability and desires, now you can start to rock and roll. But how do you become an expert? First commit yourself to at least thirty minutes a day for studying the area you want to become and expert. Before the internet and especially Google you would have a lot of trips to the library, but now you will have much more time to research and study your chosen area of expertise, because of these new tools.
After six months you will have gain more knowledge about you subject than more that 90% of the people in the world. This is a good start. From your knew found knowledge it time to start to write articles about you chosen subject. You can send them to specialty magazines on your subject matter. You can blog and an easy way to start to blog is go to and start your blog on your subject matter.
Use the internet more by putting your articles on and Be as creative as you can be on your subject matter. People are interested in things that can help them. But whatever you do don’t just do this for a month or two. You have to keep it for a long time. Yes at first you might get discourage, but if you are persistent you will start to see some success.
What success may you is looking for? First getting people to respond to your articles is one way to tell if you having success. To make it easy for people to respond to your articles is to have them e-mail you. After you have get more successful you will more than likely get a web site. I’ll show how to this at minimum cost in later get discussions. When you do have a web site MAKE SURE YOU have sign-up place so they can sign up for a new letter or something that will keep you in touch with them. By this time you more than likely will have good list of folks that are following you. I’ll how to use the list in later get discussions.
I have gone on too long for now so in the coming days I’ll continue to show you ways to build youth wealth.
Happiness with Wealth to you
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