We have been covering how important it is to understand people. Behaviors styles are one way to get a good understand a perosn. We have covered the first three, The dominate, the influencer, the steady and now we will cover the compliant person.
The complaint person is one that obeys the rules. I refer to them as Mr. and Mrs. 55 MPH. When the national speed limit was 55 MPH that is what they did and not a MPH more. I won’t talk about the traffic jams they caused.
Let’s look at the compliant person. They are perfectionists, courteous, mature, accurate, conscientious and evasive. This is just the beginning. They are fact-finder, restrained, precise, diplomatic, high standards and are patient. There is a lot more but I’ll just give you two more, they are analytical and exacting.
This is for those that might remember the “Odd couple”, there was Felix Unger. Felix’s roommate Oscar drove him crazy with his disorganization. Then there is Chris Evert who when she was a tennis star she could hit within inches form the line 15 to 20 times in a game. She was a perfectionist.
The compliant person has one very strong emotion and that is fear. They don’t like being wrong, so before making a decision they will get all the facts. This can be good, but when there are time limits on when the decision has to be made they might not be ready to make a decision. Meaning they want more time. And there are times we can’t have more time, so they are not happy about giving the option.
The compliant person has a real need for procedures or better said they want it by the book. Yes they are perfectionists and are precise and attentive to details. To do this they will look for all the proof and evidence on the subject that is up for a decision.
Introverted they are and are task drivers. If you in a hurry and are shopping with them you better be prepared to slow down because they will take a long time to make decision on what they will purchase. My advice is to go to the nearest pub and let them know that is where you can be found when they finished shopping
They have a real need to have safety procedures. Being abrupt and rapid is another thing that makes them unhappy.
These things turn them on. Operating procedures in writing, no sudden changes and time to think.
This gives you some ideas on how to work with the compliant person. They too are an important part of the team, because they will find the errors in the plan before the plan is implemented. This is good.
Happiness with Wealth to you
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