We went over how understanding people’s behavior styles which can help you relate better with them. By having a good understand of others behavior styles and the ability to take that understanding and use it in a positive way, can be a big step forward in your road to success. You can identify behaviors by watching people. When we start to understand people’s values we have to do more than observe. I’ll go over that a little later.
First we will look at the six values by categories. The first is the theoretical value: A passion to discover systematize and analyze: search for knowledge. The second value is Utilitarian: A passion to gain return on investment of time, recourses and money. The third is Aesthetic: A passion to add balance and harmony in one’s life and protect our natural resources. The fourth value is Social: A passion to eliminate hate and conflict in the world and to assist others. The fifth is Individualistic: A passion to achieve position and to use the position to influence others. Lastly there is Traditional: A passion to pursue the higher meaning in life through a defined system for living. I’ll cover each of the values more at later time.
Don’t get too caught up in the definition now. The most important thing now is to remember you have to listen to identify a person’s values. It might take a little time to pick up on a person’s values but as you do it more and watch for their main interests, it will become easier to know a person’s values.
Why is it important to you to know others values? To help you keep the doors of communications open. Now you can gain their support because you’ll talking to them in a way that makes them feel comfortable. What do I mean by that? Well let’s look a person that is high in social values. If you talk about how your causes can help people and make the world a better place, you will certainly get their interest and more than likely their support.
In future discussions I’ll cover each of the six values. First we’ll look at how to identify them. Second we’ll look at how to talk with them so you’ll have a better opportunity of having them want to help you.
Happiness with Wealth to you
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