Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion. Yes that is Parkinson’s Law. We have all seen it in action. Just go down to any government building and ask for something or apply for a whatever. First you start out with the line then after sum length of time you finally get to the front of the line only to find out that the line will re opened in one hour. This is due to the lunch break; boy doesn’t that make you feel good. One hour is up and you’re finally getting to speak with someone only to find out the thing you need is no longer handled by this department. After you have wasted the afternoon you have what you need and for some reason you feel happy. I think we actually thing we beat the system.
Now I hope I did not offend anyone that works in the government because this could happen in any bureaucracy. One of the main reasons is there so much time and we feel we need to fill it.
How can this be your gain to greater performance, success and wealth? One let’s start with just spend the time you need to get something done not how much time you have. Example you can get something done in two hour, but you have all day. Don’t take all day get what you want to get done and move on to something else that will help move you ahead.
Take a little time to rank the things you need to do. Always start with number one and work down. You will find that the important things are done and you don’t have to sweat them.
Lastly when looking at your ranked list put some kind of realistic time that it will take complete the project. So if will take you three hour to get the number one item completed, you sure don’t want to spend a day or two working on it.
Do you get the picture? Don’t fill you time just because you have it available. Fill you time with things that are important to you and your success.
Happiness with Wealth to you
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