Wealth is a lot more than money, but money doesn’t hurt, so one easy way for you to gain wealth is to smile. When I walk in the morning and I pass by other folks I smile and almost always they smile back... is that an ice breaker or what. When you smile you giving a gift from your heart and people like gifts so smile and make them feel good.
We all know a person that never, but never smiles. They might be successful at something, but they sure don’t look like their enjoying themselves. I don’t know about you, but these people that don’t smile make me feel uneasy. Not that there bad people but they don’t look happy and don’t seem to be happy. Te only way they seem to have people around them is by enticing them with something.
Isn’t it much better to have people wanting to be around you because you make them feel comfortable, will I think so and so do a lot of other people. If you think about it smiling is so easy to do. You actually use less muscles smiling than when you’re frowning.
If you want to be a success in life smile, because it will be so much easier to have people want to help you. We all know that if you have others helping and supporting you, you find that success can come much sooner than you might have planned.
Life can be so easy if we do the little things. Smiling is one of them. Yes we can complicated things and make them so difficult but when you come right down to it if we learn to do the simple things good, then the complicated thing just seem to go away.
Smile it good for you
Happiness with Wealth to you
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