There are four behavior styles, dominate, influencer, steady and compliant and we have learned a little about how to recognize them. This is a good start, but only a start. One common mistake people make is the assume other interact and think the same way they do. This is not the case. So let’s look at what we should do. Why should we go through all this trouble to understand others behavior style, because it can be very important to your personal success. I’ll get more into that later.
Here are three things that can help you to have effective communications.
First learn your own behavior style. Second learn to recognize other’s behavioral style of others. And third learn to adapt to others behavior for greater communications.
How to learn you own behavior style. Take the things I told you about each style and apply them to yourself. Example, are you the take charge type or do you feel better researching for information. If you they take charge type more than likely you have a dominate style. If you like do research you probably a compliant person. Go back over the four styles and see where you fit best. Now that you have ideas of your behavior style we can move on to recognizing others.
By using the same tools you used to identify you own behavior style you use to find what style other people have. Once you have an understanding of the person’s style now you can take the information we discussed earlier on what they like and dislike, and use it to help improve communications.
With this knowledge you can adapted to their behavior style, which will greatly help you in communicating with them. Yes this takes a little up front work, but it dividends you and the other person will enjoy will way out weigh the upfront effort.
When you and others have good clear communications, both of you will find it much easier to achieve success.
Happiness with Wealth to you
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