We have heard this. What do you want to be when you grow up? Here is a process that I went through. You might find it interesting or you might not. If not go to the last paragraph, but if you want have trip on memory lane keep reading.
When I was a very little boy I wanted to be a cowboy. For Christmas I want leather chaps, a holster and cap gun. I most have been a very good little boy because Santa gave me everything I wanted and to this day I still have the leather chaps hanging in the back of my closet. I grew out of cowboys and moved into being a soldier. All the kids on the block played war games. I know that isn’t politically correct today, but folks we were just kids having fun. From war I moved into music. My mother loved to play the piano. Her and my Aunt Florence would play duets. Aunt Florence loved to play and she would play at a drop of hat. She would play to any one or anywhere, Mon just likes to play for herself. Mom and my Aunt Florence where sisters, but they were so different in so many ways.
Guess what? Mom got me to take piano lessons. I couldn’t have been seven but I gave it my best. The only problem was I didn’t have time to practice, because I was busy playing war or other things. Then at school at in music class the teacher said we could a try different musical instrument. My Dad had a violin, so I brought it to school and started to learn how to play it. I must say I didn’t get very good. Then one day the teacher said they would loan us an instrument of our choice. I chose the trumpet, because we had a friend Eric who plays the cornet, it is like a trumpet, and thought it would be cool.
You still have time to go to the last paragraph. Well I played the trumpet through high school and became the solo trumpet player in the high school plan. Boy did I think I was good. Our highs school was part of six high school league. The League had the best of the best from each school for a big band concert. At that time I knew I was moving out of music to something else, because the other trumpet player were without a doubt so much better than I was I could see there was not a good future for me in music as a trumpet player.
You’re almost done. I went to college and graduated in business. My degree was in management, economics and sociology. All of which are not real sciences.
OK for those of you that skipped the above. We might get older but we don’t have to lose the spirit of youth. Look at a baby that looks like is staring at the wall for a long time, but it is not bored because it seeing so many new things. I want to keep seeing and doing new things. That is what I think keeps us young and mentally growing as a person.
What am I doing now? I am author speaker, consultant and coach. That is a long way from being a cowboy or even business man. You know I am not sure what I’ll be when I grow up.
Happiness with Wealth to you
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