Being positive is a state of mind. You either want to be positive or not. It is like you either choice to be happy or unhappy. It is your choice. What do you if a see a glass of water that is half way filled? Do you see it as half empty or half full? If you see the glass half empty, maybe you look at the world in a less positive way or if you see the glass as half full you may see the world as a wonderful place. I choice not to see the glass as not half empty but half full, and here is why.
By looking around you, you can see so many wonderful things. You can hear the birds, watch them flying so gracefully and there so many other thing in nature that can help you see the brighter side of life. By seeing the wonders around us it so much easier to look on the positive side of life.
There was a study done on nuns of the Order of Notre Dame of Milwaukee in the nineteen thirties. The researchers studied the nun’s diaries and saw that some of the nuns add very positive comments in their diaries and others had negative comments. What the researchers found that the ones that made positive comments in their diaries lived will past eighty-five and the ones that make negative comments in their dairies didn’t make it to eighty-five. They net result was, those that made positive comments in their diary lived nine years longer than those that made negative comments. There is something to be set for being positive.
All thought are impacting. We have all heard “WE ARE WHAT WE THINK”. So it is important to think positive if we want to have a fulfilling life. It is easy to think of the good things in life, so way not thinks that way? Let’s be positive. Remember if a glass of water has water in it half way up; think of it as half full. By thinking like this you can have that positive attitude that is needed to live life to the fullest.
Happiness with Wealth to you
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