Being kind is like holding a baby. Somehow it makes you feel so good. Let’s look at some different kind of kindness. There are acts of random kindness. There is the act of planned kindness. Then there are the spontaneous types of kindness, so let’s take look at each.
I have a very good friend Eric who is a master at random acts of kindness. One of his favorites is when he paying a toll. This was before the wireless payments that are used so much today. When Eric was paying his toll he would also pay for the car behind him. Can you imagine how that person behind him felt that was in the car behind him? More than likely the person told everyone that day of the kind person that paid his or her toll. He would do something like that at movie theaters. Why did Eric do these kindness things? Will as he told me life has been very good to him and he would like to share his wonderful life with others. Not bad.
There can be planned types of kindness. This could be when you go and help with a fundraiser for the needy or things like that. You know you’re doing the right thing, plus you’re having a good time while you’re helping. You might ever meet some new friends. That would be an added benefit for you. This isn’t bad either.
Then there are the spontaneous types of kindness. These are things that just happen, like when you’re getting on a plane and a couple in front of you that has three kids and truck load of things for the kids and without thinking you start picking some of their things up and help them to their sets. No thinking you just do it. You can probably remember hundreds of time that you have given spontaneous kindness.
No what does this do for you? A lot, first it makes you feel good inside, second you made someone else feel special and then you have helped the world be a little bit better. No bad, not bad at all.
Happiness with Wealth to you
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