Laughter is like losing body fat. Laughter does so much that is good for us, so it worth a little time to review how laughter works so many good things for us. It helps us stay healthy, it helps us in social situations and it helps with our mental state of mind.First we’ll take a look at how it helps us stay healthy. It helps to reduce stress lower our blood pressure, elevate our mood, and boosts our immune system. That seems like at lot but there is more. Laughter improves your brain function, protects your heart, give you diaphragm a good workout. If that’s not enough laughter helps build your abdominal, respiratory, facial leg and back muscles. Plus it gives your midsection a good workout, which is a benefit for digestion and absorption. So you get the point laughter is a healthily thing to do. So laugh.
Laughter also helps you in social situations. When you hear people laughing, they are having fun. When you join them, you will fit right in with your laugher. Laugher works with all people. Once in Japan Micki and I were on a balcony in a train station just watching the throngs of people load and unloading from the trains, what we saw was interesting. We saw this one family that looked like they were waiting for someone getting off a train. We were right, here came a family with big smiles come toward the waiting family. In Japan deep bows show respect for the other person, will these two men most have had great respect for one another. They both made very deep bows. The problem was they were very close to one another and you can imagine what happened. Bang, they hit each other’s head with great velocity. Both men bounce back from the blows thay gave one another and then to our amazement both men broke out in laugher. It might be a tough way to get a laugh, but it worked.
Laughter is also very good for you mental state it fosters instant relaxation, keeps you brain alert and helps you release pent-up feelings of frustration and /or anger. Yes laughter can do a lot of good for us, so remember take the time every day to laugh, it is for your own good and helps you to bond with others.
Happiness with Wealth to you
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