Yesterday I had the opportunity to go to the Ionosphere Club. No it was not the old Eastern Airline Club, but the flight program training room at the Boys and Girls Club. I don't know the exact range of ages, but my guess the kids would be from 7 to 14 years old... They were having a special occasion; Capt Barrington Irving was coming to visit. Who is Captain Barrington? He is the youngest person to fly solo around the world. He gave up a full football scholarship at the University of Florida to become a pilot. What I saw of him he still looks like he could play football there.
He now has a fountain that’s purpose to help economically deprived children. What I saw of him he is doing a fine job. This class room for the young cadets had everything about flying. There was even a bank of computers where they could learn to fly. He went right to the kids and struck up a conversation. Their mouths were wide open with aw and their ear you could tell were ready to listen.
In the class room the kids present him with an award. He accepted it not for himself, but all those that made it possible for him achieve that goal of going solo around the world. Then he was taken to the gym where there were over one hundred kids just waiting to see him. They were not disappointed. Again he was given an award and again he let the kids know that he was accepting the award for all those that made his journey possible. He told them how important it was for them to get an education, because without an education they couldn’t achieve their dreams.
Seeing all those kid so excited to see Capt. Barrington was very heart warning. They all wanted to be just like him and after hearing the kids talk with one another after he left, they knew they would have to crack the book to be like him.
I applaud Capt. Barrington for what he does. Traveling the country encouraging young people to be the best they can be. It sure made my heart feel good.
Happiness with Wealth to you
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