I take a walk almost every morning for thirty five minutes or more. You know I look forward to getting outside making my body feel good. There are a lot of good ways to exercise. In the past if I have tried most of exercise. When I was younger I loved to run, but a back injury stopped me from running. Then I tried biking but for some reason it didn’t turn me on. So living in Florida where it is warm most of the time I tried swimming. Swimming was just too boring for me, so I started to walk and I have been walking most morning for years.
What I like about walking is it gives me a chance to think. I do have to watch where I am going at times because I get thinking too much and for get to pay attention to where I am walking. Besides thinking I like to look at the surrounding. It seems no matter how many time I have walked the same route I find new things to see. By the way I walk many different routes so I am constantly amazed. You should try walking; the time goes by so quickly.
Now here are some reasons to walk that are flat out good for you. It is a great for the prevention of heart problems and stroke. Walking is a good thing to do for ant-aging. Not bad for a little time walking around the block. Cancer is a major health problem and walking is a good preventive major for reducing your risk of cancer. If that isn’t enough how about it helps lift you mind and spirts.
You can do anything you want, but to keep active. I chose to walk and that is right for me. You chose something to keep your body and mind in good health. Here is to your health.
Happiness with Wealth to you
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