You might wonder why I am talking about my cousin Jerry, will he is a special guy and I m sure we can all learn from him. Jerry is one year older than me, and my uncle< his Dad, and my day where not only brother but great friends. Thus Jerry and I spent a lot of time together. From the earliest age we always had fun. Jerry has and always been a laugher and good at smiling. It was not hard to have fun with Jerry.
His first job was with our family business. He started as an estimator and ended up as the VP of the division. I’ll give a few of Jerry and my fun stories. We had to go to a meeting in New York City. Normally I made the hotel reservation, but this time Jerry had a place he thought we would both like, so I said go for it. This place at an indoor pool and was right around the corner from time square. I must say time square back at that time was not the garden spot of New York. We decided to walk over to time square. That walk was like going to pawnshop heaven, junk electronic shops , that didn’t have anything over $15 and stores you won’t want to have you kids see let alone your mother.
We went back to the Hotel for a good night’s sleep. That was until 4:00AM went the train track which ran right under our hotel came alive. The picture shock, the bed was rocken, and it felt like I was going to get thrown out of bed. As you might imagine the day started at 4:00 AM. Jerry and I got to the meeting real early. After that I always made the hotel reservations.
When Jerry and I were younger we spend a lot of time at the lake both of our Dad’s had small boats and when we old enough we would spend most of the day just driving the boats and take people water skiing. That meant we had to take our Dad’s whenever they wanted to go water skiing. Al this time Jerry would be laughing, smiling and having a great time.
So why is Jerry so special? At the age of one he got polio and in those days they put you in a cast. After a year in a cast it was found out that exercise was the thing that polio victims needed, so that‘s was they started doing with Jerry. Jerry had to wear a brace on both legs and had to use crouches. As Jerry goes older he founds out that one of his hip sockets never developed.
Most people would feel real sorry for them self, but not Jerry. He still has the twenty four carrot smile along with one of the most infectious laughs you have ever heard. So when you’re having a bad day think of Cousin Jerry and say my day isn’t so bad after all.
Happiness with Wealth to you
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