If you are out to lunch you might not be eating. I use to go out to lunch at a health club and run for forty minutes. Then I would shower eat some nuts and go back to work. In New York City a lot of people go to central park and people watch or just relax. So out to lunch mean a lot of things to different folks.
We all need to eat and we are now told the eating more often in small qualities is the healthiest way to go about eating. Now I am not going to get into diets, because in my opinion we are over informed on what, how and when to eat. So lets leave it at eat moderately and leave it at that.
Out to lunch, in my humble opinion, is a time to step away from the every day activities and re-energies your self. Lets take a look what some people do.
My ninety-year-old friend Bob shuts the door of his office, tells his secretary not to put through any calls and he takes a fifteen-minute nap, then he is ready for the rest of the day. Not bad I might try that, but I don’t have a secretary anymore. Maybe I’ll just set the alarm clock to go off in fifteen minutes after I lay down. What wishful thinking.
Other takes lunchtime to catch up on their reading. They might be reading a best seller, an old favorite, or the latest scandal sheet. As I told you I ran during lunch. What all this has in common is that helps you change your pace of the workday so when you get back to work you can give it your best. That is important, because we as human want to and need to feel what we do is important, thus we might as well do it in the best condition we can.
So when your “out to lunch” use that time to make you the best you can be.
Happiness with Wealth to you
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