It is great to have a happy marriage and we are going to cover how to go about it from before marriage to long into a marriage. We will start with the courtship ritual. That sound stupid how about find the right person. Yes I like that much better.
How do you go about finding the right person? Do you take a test and find out if you are compatible with the person you interested in? That is your call, but I have a storiy that might give a ideas on how to find the right person.
We will start with Betty and George. Both were widowed after long marriages. Each started dating after some time after their lost. Betty found a guy who she thought was a good person so they dated, and then things started to fall apart. Her friend would show up in his golf cloths knowing they were going someplace that need much better dress. The straw that broke the camel’s back was when they were suppose to go to a very fancy wedding and guess what he showed up in golf cloths and said he didn’t want to go. Betty said thank you very much and closed the door in his face... then she got in the car and drove over forty miles to the wedding, which was at a very fancy hotel. Betty felt out of place because she was the only one there that wasn’t with a spouse. Now I’ll get you up to date about George.
The same night went to Betty to the wedding George had a dinner date. His date was a real complainer, nothing at the restaurant was right. George being a normally a very happy guy wasn’t happy with his dates behavior, so right after they finished dinner he took his date home. For some reason George didn’t go home but just kept driving around. He finally ended up at the fancy hotel. He had his cared parked and went to the bar. This was very unusual for George, but something drove him there. He sat down at the bar and had a couple of drinks. Then he felt like moving at around and walked out to the lobby. Well at that very same time Petty walked in the lobby. Petty being a very friendly sort said hello to George. That is where it all began.
Last week Micki and I got a call from Petty and asked if we wanted to go out to dinner with her and George. Of course we said and the evening was planned. We had a wonderful time. By the way Petty and George have celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary.
Petty and George did not have a long courtship. As George said it was fate that they me, so the old meth that you have to have long courtship to have a happy marriage if proven wrong again. There is more to a happy marriage than getting to know your potential marriage partner for a long time. I’ll cover more on happy marriage in part two.
Happiness with Wealth to you
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