Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Want a happy marriage? Part Two
Having a happy marriage can be one of the most wonderful things that can happen to a person or the worst. If you want a happy marriage you have good shot at having one. The first step is that you want marriage the works. That puts you in the right direction. Now here is something that is very important. Know yourself.
When you know who and what you are, it makes it much easier to go throw life with a positive attitude. Now what does this have to do with having a happy marriage, a lot because you know when things bother you and how to deal with them? When you get in a marriage and you know what you like and dislike it makes it much easier to relate this to your partner. You can also adapt better to things that aren’t exactly the way you want them.
Marriage takes a lot of adapting and if you do it in the spirit of building and improving you relationship with your spouse many wonderful things can happen. When you know yourself you can also know more about how your partner acts and reacts to things in general. You adapted and your partner adapts and guess what you have a relationship that is harmonists versus an antagonistic one.
Pleasing others particularly you spouse really helps build solid relationships. When both partner have a good understanding of themselves and their partner you have recipe for an happy marriage
To put this way by understanding yourself and your spouse and working at helping the other you can a have very blissful life together, but if you only want to please yourself and don’t try to help your partner it won’t be so blissful.
Do this it is easy. If you partner ask you do it as soon as humanly possible. You will find you life and your to do list is much more manageable.
Happiness with Wealth to you
Visit: http://www.happineswithwealth.com
And: http://www.lindemannletters.com
Podcast: http://lindemann.hipcast.com/rss/happinesswithwealth.xml
Monday, March 30, 2009
Want a happy marriage? Part One
It is great to have a happy marriage and we are going to cover how to go about it from before marriage to long into a marriage. We will start with the courtship ritual. That sound stupid how about find the right person. Yes I like that much better.
How do you go about finding the right person? Do you take a test and find out if you are compatible with the person you interested in? That is your call, but I have a storiy that might give a ideas on how to find the right person.
We will start with Betty and George. Both were widowed after long marriages. Each started dating after some time after their lost. Betty found a guy who she thought was a good person so they dated, and then things started to fall apart. Her friend would show up in his golf cloths knowing they were going someplace that need much better dress. The straw that broke the camel’s back was when they were suppose to go to a very fancy wedding and guess what he showed up in golf cloths and said he didn’t want to go. Betty said thank you very much and closed the door in his face... then she got in the car and drove over forty miles to the wedding, which was at a very fancy hotel. Betty felt out of place because she was the only one there that wasn’t with a spouse. Now I’ll get you up to date about George.
The same night went to Betty to the wedding George had a dinner date. His date was a real complainer, nothing at the restaurant was right. George being a normally a very happy guy wasn’t happy with his dates behavior, so right after they finished dinner he took his date home. For some reason George didn’t go home but just kept driving around. He finally ended up at the fancy hotel. He had his cared parked and went to the bar. This was very unusual for George, but something drove him there. He sat down at the bar and had a couple of drinks. Then he felt like moving at around and walked out to the lobby. Well at that very same time Petty walked in the lobby. Petty being a very friendly sort said hello to George. That is where it all began.
Last week Micki and I got a call from Petty and asked if we wanted to go out to dinner with her and George. Of course we said and the evening was planned. We had a wonderful time. By the way Petty and George have celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary.
Petty and George did not have a long courtship. As George said it was fate that they me, so the old meth that you have to have long courtship to have a happy marriage if proven wrong again. There is more to a happy marriage than getting to know your potential marriage partner for a long time. I’ll cover more on happy marriage in part two.
Happiness with Wealth to you
Visit: http://www.happineswithwealth.com
And: http://www.lindemannletters.com
Podcast: http://lindemann.hipcast.com/rss/happinesswithwealth.xml
Saturday, March 28, 2009
What do you want to be when you grow up?
We have heard this. What do you want to be when you grow up? Here is a process that I went through. You might find it interesting or you might not. If not go to the last paragraph, but if you want have trip on memory lane keep reading.
When I was a very little boy I wanted to be a cowboy. For Christmas I want leather chaps, a holster and cap gun. I most have been a very good little boy because Santa gave me everything I wanted and to this day I still have the leather chaps hanging in the back of my closet. I grew out of cowboys and moved into being a soldier. All the kids on the block played war games. I know that isn’t politically correct today, but folks we were just kids having fun. From war I moved into music. My mother loved to play the piano. Her and my Aunt Florence would play duets. Aunt Florence loved to play and she would play at a drop of hat. She would play to any one or anywhere, Mon just likes to play for herself. Mom and my Aunt Florence where sisters, but they were so different in so many ways.
Guess what? Mom got me to take piano lessons. I couldn’t have been seven but I gave it my best. The only problem was I didn’t have time to practice, because I was busy playing war or other things. Then at school at in music class the teacher said we could a try different musical instrument. My Dad had a violin, so I brought it to school and started to learn how to play it. I must say I didn’t get very good. Then one day the teacher said they would loan us an instrument of our choice. I chose the trumpet, because we had a friend Eric who plays the cornet, it is like a trumpet, and thought it would be cool.
You still have time to go to the last paragraph. Well I played the trumpet through high school and became the solo trumpet player in the high school plan. Boy did I think I was good. Our highs school was part of six high school league. The League had the best of the best from each school for a big band concert. At that time I knew I was moving out of music to something else, because the other trumpet player were without a doubt so much better than I was I could see there was not a good future for me in music as a trumpet player.
You’re almost done. I went to college and graduated in business. My degree was in management, economics and sociology. All of which are not real sciences.
OK for those of you that skipped the above. We might get older but we don’t have to lose the spirit of youth. Look at a baby that looks like is staring at the wall for a long time, but it is not bored because it seeing so many new things. I want to keep seeing and doing new things. That is what I think keeps us young and mentally growing as a person.
What am I doing now? I am author speaker, consultant and coach. That is a long way from being a cowboy or even business man. You know I am not sure what I’ll be when I grow up.
Happiness with Wealth to you
Visit: http://www.happineswithwealth.com
And: http://www.lindemannletters.com
Podcast: http://lindemann.hipcast.com/rss/happinesswithwealth.xml
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Take a walk
I take a walk almost every morning for thirty five minutes or more. You know I look forward to getting outside making my body feel good. There are a lot of good ways to exercise. In the past if I have tried most of exercise. When I was younger I loved to run, but a back injury stopped me from running. Then I tried biking but for some reason it didn’t turn me on. So living in Florida where it is warm most of the time I tried swimming. Swimming was just too boring for me, so I started to walk and I have been walking most morning for years.
What I like about walking is it gives me a chance to think. I do have to watch where I am going at times because I get thinking too much and for get to pay attention to where I am walking. Besides thinking I like to look at the surrounding. It seems no matter how many time I have walked the same route I find new things to see. By the way I walk many different routes so I am constantly amazed. You should try walking; the time goes by so quickly.
Now here are some reasons to walk that are flat out good for you. It is a great for the prevention of heart problems and stroke. Walking is a good thing to do for ant-aging. Not bad for a little time walking around the block. Cancer is a major health problem and walking is a good preventive major for reducing your risk of cancer. If that isn’t enough how about it helps lift you mind and spirts.
You can do anything you want, but to keep active. I chose to walk and that is right for me. You chose something to keep your body and mind in good health. Here is to your health.
Happiness with Wealth to you
Visit: http://www.happinessin8steps.com
And: http://www.lindemannletters.com
Podcast: http://lindemann.hipcast.com/rss/happinesswithwealth.xml
Monday, March 23, 2009
Being positive is a state of mind. You either want to be positive or not. It is like you either choice to be happy or unhappy. It is your choice. What do you if a see a glass of water that is half way filled? Do you see it as half empty or half full? If you see the glass half empty, maybe you look at the world in a less positive way or if you see the glass as half full you may see the world as a wonderful place. I choice not to see the glass as not half empty but half full, and here is why.
By looking around you, you can see so many wonderful things. You can hear the birds, watch them flying so gracefully and there so many other thing in nature that can help you see the brighter side of life. By seeing the wonders around us it so much easier to look on the positive side of life.
There was a study done on nuns of the Order of Notre Dame of Milwaukee in the nineteen thirties. The researchers studied the nun’s diaries and saw that some of the nuns add very positive comments in their diaries and others had negative comments. What the researchers found that the ones that made positive comments in their diaries lived will past eighty-five and the ones that make negative comments in their dairies didn’t make it to eighty-five. They net result was, those that made positive comments in their diary lived nine years longer than those that made negative comments. There is something to be set for being positive.
All thought are impacting. We have all heard “WE ARE WHAT WE THINK”. So it is important to think positive if we want to have a fulfilling life. It is easy to think of the good things in life, so way not thinks that way? Let’s be positive. Remember if a glass of water has water in it half way up; think of it as half full. By thinking like this you can have that positive attitude that is needed to live life to the fullest.
Happiness with Wealth to you
Visit: http://www.happpineswithwealth.com
And: http://www.lindemannletters.com
Podcast: http://lindemann.hipcast.com/rss/happinesswithwealth.xml
Saturday, March 21, 2009
March Madness
You’re not a sport fan that’s OK. March Madness if way more than a sporting game, which is basketball. It is a circus without clowns. It’s like watching High Noon. Yes that was a long time ago but it was a great movie. If your are still not interested then read about how they select the teams, rank the teams it make for some interesting reading.
In my opinion March Madness is so much more than the Super Bowl and or the World Series. For football and baseball fans don’t get mad or upset. Read on and you will see my reasoning why I think March Madness is the best and most interesting sport skeptical going.
First you just have to look at where the teams are from. They are from every corner of the United States. So no matters where you live in this great country in the beginning there is more than likely a team playing that is near you. Who doesn’t like to root for the home team?
Second the teams are from every type of school, small large, famous and those that you have never heard off, but the night they play one another they are on a level playing field. The teams have been ranked; meaning some one up in the heavens has said that one team is better than the other. Starting with number one through sixty-four. Guess what, some of the better teams that the ranked high get beat by a lower ranked team. That is what makes this March Madness so crazy.
Lastly it is a sudden death tournament. If a team losses their out, it is that simple. Every night a team plays could be their last came of the season. This makes for great basketball. Every team is playing their hearts out. So whether you like sports or not you can tell you’re seeing the best of the best. It is so exciting
Life is short so go long. Give you life a little long and follow March Madness; you will be glad you did.
Happiness with Wealth to you
Visit: http://www.happpineswithwealth.com
And: http://ww.lindemannletters.com
Podcast: http://lindemann.hipcast.com/rss/happinesswithwealth.xml
Friday, March 20, 2009
Out to lunch
If you are out to lunch you might not be eating. I use to go out to lunch at a health club and run for forty minutes. Then I would shower eat some nuts and go back to work. In New York City a lot of people go to central park and people watch or just relax. So out to lunch mean a lot of things to different folks.
We all need to eat and we are now told the eating more often in small qualities is the healthiest way to go about eating. Now I am not going to get into diets, because in my opinion we are over informed on what, how and when to eat. So lets leave it at eat moderately and leave it at that.
Out to lunch, in my humble opinion, is a time to step away from the every day activities and re-energies your self. Lets take a look what some people do.
My ninety-year-old friend Bob shuts the door of his office, tells his secretary not to put through any calls and he takes a fifteen-minute nap, then he is ready for the rest of the day. Not bad I might try that, but I don’t have a secretary anymore. Maybe I’ll just set the alarm clock to go off in fifteen minutes after I lay down. What wishful thinking.
Other takes lunchtime to catch up on their reading. They might be reading a best seller, an old favorite, or the latest scandal sheet. As I told you I ran during lunch. What all this has in common is that helps you change your pace of the workday so when you get back to work you can give it your best. That is important, because we as human want to and need to feel what we do is important, thus we might as well do it in the best condition we can.
So when your “out to lunch” use that time to make you the best you can be.
Happiness with Wealth to you
Visit: http://www.happpineswithwealth.com
And: http://www.lindemannletters.com
Podcast: http://lindemann.hipcast.com/rss/happinesswithwealth.xml
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Road Trip
Road Trip
Traveling where you don’t normally go is like walking in new surroundings. It refreshing, it gets your mind flowing, why because it’s different. We get so use to doing the same thing day after day, so when we do something different it is exciting. That is what Micki and did two days ago. It was like off to see the wizard. We drove across Alligator Ally, and then started up I 75 to Ellenton. This is where Jerry and Joyce live in the winter. After a feel missed turns and some good directions from the gatekeeper we found their house. Jerry and Joyce are very special. Jerry has lived most of his life with a major handicap, which has made it very hard for him get around, but he never complains. He is so involved with life it truly uplifting to be around him. I feel specially blessed because he and I worked to gather for over thirty-five years and I watched him live life to the fullest every day. Joyce should be a saint because she helps him without making him feel or look like he has a problem. You could write a book on how she cares for Jerry.
After a few up lifting hours with Jerry and Joyce we were off to Lake City, Florida. We spent and restful night in Lake City and then off to our final destination Murphy North Carolina, that is where Bob and Jan live. They have been our best friends for over thirty-eight years. I affectingly call them the laughers. They seem to get up in the morning laughing and go to bed laughing. This is great therapy for Micki and me.
Why the road trip? It is good for all of us to change the normal routine and this is one way we do it. In early summer we’re going to Dallas to visit our son and our grand daughters. Our plan is to have them tell us what they want us to do with them for the week we are there. Yes we will spend time in the evenings with our son Todd. But being with two girls eleven and nine will be the highlight of the trip.
We have two more trips planned for the rest of the year, which should be as rewarding as the one we are on now. My point in telling you this is to motivate you to change the routine from time to time. Make life a little more interesting and do something different. You don’t have to travel. How about going to the Zoo or a local park for a picnic. Just do something that gets you out. You will find out that life can be more enjoyable and satisfying by changing things from time to time.
My challenge to you is make more out of life by changing your ways from time to time. You’ll be a better person for it.
Happiness with Wealth to you
Visit: http://www.happpineswithwealth.com
And: http://www.lindemannletters.com
Podcast: http://lindemann.hipcast.com/rss/happinesswithwealth.xml
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
We have had celebrations as long as we have been around. This weekend Micki and I had an opportunity to go to a very rare one. I’ll tell you about that later. First a little history on celebration, particularly birthday celebrations. In one study I found that man has been celebrating birthday as long as they know what a year was. Other studies said birthdays started in ancient Europe. It really doesn’t matter one way or a the other, but for sure we have been celebrating birthdays for a long time.
Back to last weekend. We went to a birthday party for a friend of ours that just turned ninety years old. Yes ninety is coming more common but it is still a major milestone. Will Bob had a real blow out in his back yard, which is huge. His back yard faces New River which has a fair amount of boat traffic. So as the boats would go by the passages would wave at the quests, which there was over two hundred. The flag flying by the water had on it “BOB’s 90”. You couldn’t miss it because it was orange, the color of his old company. There was freshly cooked roast pig and all the things that went with it.
A birthday party won’t be a party without music and this party had GREAT music, with a live, and very good, Elves impersonator. He and his band keep the party rocking and rolling, as you might say. People that haven’t danced to Elves in years were where out there moving and shaking like they haven’t in years. It was a sight to see.
Then came the trip down memory lane. One of Bob’s grandsons walked the crowd through major events in Bob’s life. You could hear a pin drop has he wove the story of a very remarkable man. Following the wonderful stories about Bob, came recognition of Bob’s many achievements.
One award was from Bob’s college fraternity. I bring this up because Bob and I are fraternity brothers. He went to Penn State and I went to Eastern Michigan. Though we are decades apart in age we have had a very rewarding friendship.
You don’t get to go to many celebration like this often, but every birthday is worth a celebration of some sort. As my Dad said “If you don’t have a birthday life gets a lot shorter”. Make sure you celebrate your birthday and continue to enjoy this wonderful world we live in.
Happiness with Wealth to you
Visit: http://www.happpineswithwealth.com
And: http://www.lindemannletters.com
Podcast: http://lindemann.hipcast.com/rss/happinesswithwealth.xml
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Plants without water wither and dry up. If we don’t keep learning are growth stops and we start to wither. The fertilizer for growth is continually improving yourself.. We have all seen people that are just spinning their wheels not wanting to go anywhere; basically they are just waiting for the end. They might not tell you that, but all you have to do is watch them.
It is very satisfying to me to meet and see people that are always wanting to get more out of life. You see people in their eighties going to college and in some cases starting new careers. These types of people are full of life at any age. They are the ones who help out at the Boys and Girls Clubs, the local hospital or any place where that can give back for all they have been given.
Man is designed to constantly make more of himself. It has now been proven that you can learn new things at any age, thus you can teach old dog’s new tricks. So I challenge anyone to get off their duff and do something that will improve your mind. Having regular exercising helps our brain power, so if you don’t want o read go for a walk. While you’re walking look at your surroundings and see all the beauty. Hear the birds; watch the squirrels jumping from limb to limb. The mind is such a valuable thing it should not be wasted. The more you look at your surroundings the more you’ll see. Nature has so many wonder things going around us, do take the time look and listen.
We don’t know everything so there is plenty things to challenge your mind. Play bridge, make a model airplane, or learn the new things that are going on in your job, but keep giving your mind areas to grow in.
Learning is the water and fertilizer for the growth of you as a person, so put yourself in a constant learning environment. Your life will be so much more rewarding.
Happiness with Wealth to you
Visit: http://www.happpineswithwealth.com
And: http://www.lindemannletters.com
Podcast: http://lindemann.hipcast.com/rss/happinesswithwealth.xml
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Makes your heart feel good
Yesterday I had the opportunity to go to the Ionosphere Club. No it was not the old Eastern Airline Club, but the flight program training room at the Boys and Girls Club. I don't know the exact range of ages, but my guess the kids would be from 7 to 14 years old... They were having a special occasion; Capt Barrington Irving was coming to visit. Who is Captain Barrington? He is the youngest person to fly solo around the world. He gave up a full football scholarship at the University of Florida to become a pilot. What I saw of him he still looks like he could play football there.
He now has a fountain that’s purpose to help economically deprived children. What I saw of him he is doing a fine job. This class room for the young cadets had everything about flying. There was even a bank of computers where they could learn to fly. He went right to the kids and struck up a conversation. Their mouths were wide open with aw and their ear you could tell were ready to listen.
In the class room the kids present him with an award. He accepted it not for himself, but all those that made it possible for him achieve that goal of going solo around the world. Then he was taken to the gym where there were over one hundred kids just waiting to see him. They were not disappointed. Again he was given an award and again he let the kids know that he was accepting the award for all those that made his journey possible. He told them how important it was for them to get an education, because without an education they couldn’t achieve their dreams.
Seeing all those kid so excited to see Capt. Barrington was very heart warning. They all wanted to be just like him and after hearing the kids talk with one another after he left, they knew they would have to crack the book to be like him.
I applaud Capt. Barrington for what he does. Traveling the country encouraging young people to be the best they can be. It sure made my heart feel good.
Happiness with Wealth to you
Visit: http://www.happpineswithwealth.com
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Podcast: http://lindemann.hipcast.com/rss/happinesswithwealth.xml
Friday, March 13, 2009
Laughter is like losing body fat. Laughter does so much that is good for us, so it worth a little time to review how laughter works so many good things for us. It helps us stay healthy, it helps us in social situations and it helps with our mental state of mind.First we’ll take a look at how it helps us stay healthy. It helps to reduce stress lower our blood pressure, elevate our mood, and boosts our immune system. That seems like at lot but there is more. Laughter improves your brain function, protects your heart, give you diaphragm a good workout. If that’s not enough laughter helps build your abdominal, respiratory, facial leg and back muscles. Plus it gives your midsection a good workout, which is a benefit for digestion and absorption. So you get the point laughter is a healthily thing to do. So laugh.
Laughter also helps you in social situations. When you hear people laughing, they are having fun. When you join them, you will fit right in with your laugher. Laugher works with all people. Once in Japan Micki and I were on a balcony in a train station just watching the throngs of people load and unloading from the trains, what we saw was interesting. We saw this one family that looked like they were waiting for someone getting off a train. We were right, here came a family with big smiles come toward the waiting family. In Japan deep bows show respect for the other person, will these two men most have had great respect for one another. They both made very deep bows. The problem was they were very close to one another and you can imagine what happened. Bang, they hit each other’s head with great velocity. Both men bounce back from the blows thay gave one another and then to our amazement both men broke out in laugher. It might be a tough way to get a laugh, but it worked.
Laughter is also very good for you mental state it fosters instant relaxation, keeps you brain alert and helps you release pent-up feelings of frustration and /or anger. Yes laughter can do a lot of good for us, so remember take the time every day to laugh, it is for your own good and helps you to bond with others.
Happiness with Wealth to you
Visit: http://www.happpineswithwealth.com
And: http://www.lindemannletters.com
Podcast: http://lindemann.hipcast.com/rss/happinesswithwealth.xml
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Memories are like history there is good and bad. We have good and bad memories too and we have to treat them as what they are memories. It is alright to look back , but wanting thing that you thought were so good will never come again or be fearful of the bad and not want to face the present and future.
That being said Micki and I had a chance to go down memories last week. We went and visited an old friend Mildred. What so wonderful about her is she is eighthly three and is still enjoying life like a youngster. Here is the story. Mildred was our families business first employee in our new Connecticut office which was opened in 1952. I had nothing to do with hiring her because I was just a young boy it was my mother and dad. And when I think of it I really think it was my mother. Here is why.
Mildred said she was twenty nine and married with two girls that where at an age with watchful eye of her mother Mildred could get a job. Mildred was looking in the want ads and saw this ad “Wanted a middle age woman that can type and do office work.” Mildred was only twenty nine but she answered that ad anyways. She spoke with my mother over the phone and everything went will then just before the phone call ended Mildred told my mother that she was twenty nine. I guess my mother though that she was middle age because she hired her and Mildred stated with the company till she retired at sixty two.
While we had lunch last week Mildred, Micki and I went down memory lane and it made us all feel good. When we left her we both gave her a big hug and a kiss and said we we’re look forward to visiting her again. Mildred still lives in Connecticut but spend s a couple months in Florida in the winter. And that is went we visit her.
Mildred is quiet an avid sports fan, particularly the University of Conn. Basketball teams. At her apartment complex they cannot see Conn. Basketball if it is on ESPN U so Mildred and a friend go down to Duffy’s Tavern and watch the game. I thing that is just great two ladies in their eighties go in to Duffy’s pull up a chair and order chardonnay and watch the Connecticut girls win another game.
That story is what memories are made of. Go out today and make some of your own wonderful memories.
Happiness with Wealth to you
Visit: http://www.happpineswithwealth.com
And: http://www.lindemannletters.com
Podcast: http://lindemann.hipcast.com/rss/happinesswithwealth.xml
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Do things you enjoy.
Life is short so go long. Take every advantage of all life’s experiences. That is in all the facets of your life. When you play and have fun. When you work do the very best you can. And when you relax make sure your relaxing the whole you both body and mind.
Playing and having fun are very important part of life, so enjoy it. Don’t make it something that when you done you feel frustrated. Example of this is some people I know play golf as it a personal form of human torture. When the finish a round of golf they complain about everything the course condition, their swing evens the weather. Instead of enjoying they turn it into a form of human torture. What would be wrong with going out with friends laugh and appreciate the surroundings. Those that make fun and have fun playing really are the ones who get the full benefit of the experience.
Working should not be bad experience but rather a labor of love. I don’t care how boring the job is somehow make it a challenge. I worked in machine shop when I was younger and ran a milling machine. A pallet of part would be set by the machine and my job was to load the parts, machine the part and when the part where being machined I de-burred the part. There was an endless line of pallets. Now I could have been upset but I rather made a challenge of the job. I would see how many part I could make in an hour and then how many part I could make in eight your. I was always trying new way to load and unload the part to save time. The days went by so fast I never had time to get bored. By dong you best at work you gain since of personal satisfaction that no one can take from you.
Relaxing is something your mind and body need. so learn how to relax. Some people like to sit in a comfortable chair and read. Everyone likes to read different things, but the main things are they enjoy and get relaxed reading. Other likes to go to sporting events. Mind you they might get excited at time but they get their mind and body is away from life’s challenges.
Playing, working and relaxing are all part of keeping the mind and body in shape. So do it in good sprit and life will be so much more rewarding.
Happiness with Wealth to you
Visit: http://www.happinesswithwealth.com
And: http://www.lindemannletters.com
Podcast: http://lindemann.hipcast.com/rss/happinesswithwealth.xml
Playing and having fun are very important part of life, so enjoy it. Don’t make it something that when you done you feel frustrated. Example of this is some people I know play golf as it a personal form of human torture. When the finish a round of golf they complain about everything the course condition, their swing evens the weather. Instead of enjoying they turn it into a form of human torture. What would be wrong with going out with friends laugh and appreciate the surroundings. Those that make fun and have fun playing really are the ones who get the full benefit of the experience.
Working should not be bad experience but rather a labor of love. I don’t care how boring the job is somehow make it a challenge. I worked in machine shop when I was younger and ran a milling machine. A pallet of part would be set by the machine and my job was to load the parts, machine the part and when the part where being machined I de-burred the part. There was an endless line of pallets. Now I could have been upset but I rather made a challenge of the job. I would see how many part I could make in an hour and then how many part I could make in eight your. I was always trying new way to load and unload the part to save time. The days went by so fast I never had time to get bored. By dong you best at work you gain since of personal satisfaction that no one can take from you.
Relaxing is something your mind and body need. so learn how to relax. Some people like to sit in a comfortable chair and read. Everyone likes to read different things, but the main things are they enjoy and get relaxed reading. Other likes to go to sporting events. Mind you they might get excited at time but they get their mind and body is away from life’s challenges.
Playing, working and relaxing are all part of keeping the mind and body in shape. So do it in good sprit and life will be so much more rewarding.
Happiness with Wealth to you
Visit: http://www.happinesswithwealth.com
And: http://www.lindemannletters.com
Podcast: http://lindemann.hipcast.com/rss/happinesswithwealth.xml
Monday, March 9, 2009
What wrong with a smile?
I can’t think of a thing, will maybe if your boss or spouse in chewing you out you might not want to smile. Other than that I think anytime is a good time. My friend that is eighty six, who acts like he’s is in his fifties, loves to make sure I have on a smile on and he does the same thing to himself. John is his name and he is Mr. Personality everyone loves him even when he beats them in golf. He liked my book and is constantly looking for things that support the eight steps on happiness.
Here is quote he left in my car the other day. “If you’re not smiling you’re like a man with a million dollars in the bank and no cheek book”. by Les Giblin. This man has all that money but no way to get at it. That is a shame
There are lots of people that have similar problems. They have so much talent but can’t seem to use it. Maybe they have to get a check book. Will what I mean are they had to find out how to use their talents. You know they might not even know that they have a talent that could help them to the road of success.
Let look at way that they could find out or unlock this talent that is not known to them. First they should look at what they like. If you liked something normally it is something you are good at. This would be a good place to start.
Many people have not blossomed until late in life. Look at Granma Mosses. So it is never too late to peruse your talents that would give you success. And that is whatever the person considers success.
We should all go through a self evaluation at least once a year to reassess if we have made any major breakthrough in our personal development. How will we know if we have made the leap to the next level? You will and you have to trust you inter self. As we keep moving to the next level, life keep getting more rewarding and you can then start looking for the next opportunity. So make sure that you have a check book.
Happiness with Wealth to you
Visit: http://www.happinesseithwealth.com
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Podcast: http://lindemann.hipcast.com/rss/happinesswithwealth.xml
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Acts of Kindness
Being kind is like holding a baby. Somehow it makes you feel so good. Let’s look at some different kind of kindness. There are acts of random kindness. There is the act of planned kindness. Then there are the spontaneous types of kindness, so let’s take look at each.
I have a very good friend Eric who is a master at random acts of kindness. One of his favorites is when he paying a toll. This was before the wireless payments that are used so much today. When Eric was paying his toll he would also pay for the car behind him. Can you imagine how that person behind him felt that was in the car behind him? More than likely the person told everyone that day of the kind person that paid his or her toll. He would do something like that at movie theaters. Why did Eric do these kindness things? Will as he told me life has been very good to him and he would like to share his wonderful life with others. Not bad.
There can be planned types of kindness. This could be when you go and help with a fundraiser for the needy or things like that. You know you’re doing the right thing, plus you’re having a good time while you’re helping. You might ever meet some new friends. That would be an added benefit for you. This isn’t bad either.
Then there are the spontaneous types of kindness. These are things that just happen, like when you’re getting on a plane and a couple in front of you that has three kids and truck load of things for the kids and without thinking you start picking some of their things up and help them to their sets. No thinking you just do it. You can probably remember hundreds of time that you have given spontaneous kindness.
No what does this do for you? A lot, first it makes you feel good inside, second you made someone else feel special and then you have helped the world be a little bit better. No bad, not bad at all.
Happiness with Wealth to you
Visit: http://www.happinesswithwealth.com
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Podcast: http://lindemann.hipcast.com/rss/happinesswithwealth.xml
Friday, March 6, 2009
Accept the unexpected
This probably happened to you I know it happened us. You have been planning an event and everything is in place, then out of the blue something goes wrong. Here is one of my tales of woo.
Micki had been planning this party for the group that went on a Greek Cruise with us. Everyone was to bring their picture so we could all relive the trip again. All our friends were bringing plates of their special food and we were to furnish the drinks and some more food. That afternoon our power went out. Micki called the power company, Florida Power and Light, and they said” they could not give any time that the power would be back on, except it might be on after midnight”.
Micki was ready to call off the party but for some reason I thought we should go ahead and have it. Micki said OK but you call everyone and tell them that we probably won’t have electricity at our house, better than that she said tell them we are going to have a hurricane party and to bring lanterns and flash light.
When I called people they thought that this was going to be a wonderful party and one guy even said he would bring his portable generator. All the girls were tennis players and wanted to watch an important tennis match. With the generator it made that possible. But that was all the power that little generator could produce.
Florida in the summer can be quite warm even in the evening, but heat didn’t seem to bother anyone. Us guys were going over the picture and reliving the island we were at and sampling wine. What could be better? The girls got to see the tennis match. Everyone was happy.
Then the unexpected happened, the power came on. We were having some much fun without FPL we were quite disappointed.
Micki and have had many, many parties, but the no power party is the one we remember most.
Moral, accept the unexpected.
Happiness with Wealth to you
Visit: http://www.happinesswithwealth.com
Also visit: http://www.lindemannletters.com
Podcast: http://lindemann.hipcast.com/rss/happinesswithwealth.xml
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Why do you want happiness with wealth?
That is a question only you can answer. It is my hope that happiness with wealth is part of your goals because the journey of life will be so much fulfilling. Les Brown said,” "Your goals are the road maps that guide you and show you what is possible for your life”. Why would you want a road map in your life? Could it be you want to be more than you are today? I think it is great to keep getting better and better. This is how you can get happiness with wealth.
Happiness is a state of mind. If you want happiness you have it. If you do not want happiness, you won’t have it. Yes it is your choice. So when you chose to be happy you will be happy. It is that simple. However you can’t make others happy, but you can give them an environment that can be good for them. Get them laughing, that is a good way to help them change their mood. The real thing to do is be a positive example of happiness. Other words do what you say and act the same way.
Let look at wealth. First wealth is more than money, though money is OK. You can have a wealth of knowledge and that is fine but make sure you use that knowledge, "The world cares very little about what a man or woman knows; it is what a man or woman is able to do that counts."~ Booker T. Washington. Make sure you are using you knowledge to grow yourself and to help others.
You can have a wealth of friends. Take a look at how you got those friends. Are they part of the family? Are they people that you truly like to be around? Well is doesn’t matter if you like them and they like you. One thing to remember is friendship is like a garden it needs to be cultivated and nurtured. When you spend time improving your friendship life just gets easier and easier. You more than likely know most of this, but it good from time to time to remind ourselves that the more you put into life the more you get back.
Happiness with Wealth to you
Visit: http://www.happinesswithwealth.com
Podcast: http://lindemann.hipcast.com/rss/happinesswithwealth.xml
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Get off you duff and Stay energized
Remember the energizer bunny. You don’t have to be like that to be full of energy, though you do have to do some things so you can have the energy to have a full and active life.
Watching TV six hour a day is not one the things you should be doing to stay energized, how about a good breakfast, then a brisk walk, now that is a good start and building your energy.
I always hear I don’t have the time to walk, will I say turn the TV off and go to bed a little earlier Then you can a get up a little earlier so you have time to be active. I choose to walk but if you don’t want to walk do something that makes your body active.
We now know that weight training is also very good, but you don’t have to go to a gym to get it. Do some push up and a chine up or anything that will put some stress on your muscles.
OK so you don’t want to get up earlier, how about parking further away from where ever you going. You know you don’t have to park by the front door. By parking further away you walk more, which give some of the exercise you need. I you have to go up a couple of couple of floors at work take the stairs. There are lots of ways to get exercise without feeling you have to a go to a gym.
Think thin. Now I know that we can’t be skinny, but we can keep our weight down by eating less. Yes I said eating less. Recent studies have shown that all fad and funny diets are not needed. All you have to is eat fewer calories. That is right fewer calories are the way for weight control. This is a big deal and you don’t have to walk, run or even over exert yourself. Push you self away from the table before you clean all the food of the table.
Let’s get down to the basics keep your body active and eat less till you get to your ideal weight. I am not talking about that weight cart, but a weight that make sense for your body.
So be active and eat right and you’ll have an energized life.
Happiness with Wealth to you
Visit: http://www.happinesswithwealth.com
Podcast: http://lindemann.hipcast.com/rss/happinesswithwealth.xml
Monday, March 2, 2009
Cousin Jerry
You might wonder why I am talking about my cousin Jerry, will he is a special guy and I m sure we can all learn from him. Jerry is one year older than me, and my uncle< his Dad, and my day where not only brother but great friends. Thus Jerry and I spent a lot of time together. From the earliest age we always had fun. Jerry has and always been a laugher and good at smiling. It was not hard to have fun with Jerry.
His first job was with our family business. He started as an estimator and ended up as the VP of the division. I’ll give a few of Jerry and my fun stories. We had to go to a meeting in New York City. Normally I made the hotel reservation, but this time Jerry had a place he thought we would both like, so I said go for it. This place at an indoor pool and was right around the corner from time square. I must say time square back at that time was not the garden spot of New York. We decided to walk over to time square. That walk was like going to pawnshop heaven, junk electronic shops , that didn’t have anything over $15 and stores you won’t want to have you kids see let alone your mother.
We went back to the Hotel for a good night’s sleep. That was until 4:00AM went the train track which ran right under our hotel came alive. The picture shock, the bed was rocken, and it felt like I was going to get thrown out of bed. As you might imagine the day started at 4:00 AM. Jerry and I got to the meeting real early. After that I always made the hotel reservations.
When Jerry and I were younger we spend a lot of time at the lake both of our Dad’s had small boats and when we old enough we would spend most of the day just driving the boats and take people water skiing. That meant we had to take our Dad’s whenever they wanted to go water skiing. Al this time Jerry would be laughing, smiling and having a great time.
So why is Jerry so special? At the age of one he got polio and in those days they put you in a cast. After a year in a cast it was found out that exercise was the thing that polio victims needed, so that‘s was they started doing with Jerry. Jerry had to wear a brace on both legs and had to use crouches. As Jerry goes older he founds out that one of his hip sockets never developed.
Most people would feel real sorry for them self, but not Jerry. He still has the twenty four carrot smile along with one of the most infectious laughs you have ever heard. So when you’re having a bad day think of Cousin Jerry and say my day isn’t so bad after all.
Happiness with Wealth to you
Visit: http://www.happinesswithwealth.com
Podcast: http://lindemann.hipcast.com/rss/happinesswithwealth.xml
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