If we take a good look at our friends we will see a lot of us in them. For sure were not exactly alike, but there are lot of things we have in common.
I have my golf buddies. Every Wed. we play golf. After golf we tend to rehash the game. The line goes something like this. “Doug do you remember on 15 that approach shot I put within 2 feet of the pin” and he might say” GREAT shot” and the conversation goes on and on, with each one of us going over the good and the ugly.
We all have special friends. They are the ones that we have all the confidence in that they will do anything for us. When we have these kinds of friends life’s issues that sometimes seem over whelming become less of a problem, with their support.
Support from friend is not a lecture, but a patient ear to hear our issues that at the moment seem bigger that they really are. When they take the time to listen it amazing how the problem just melts away.
Isn’t it a wonderful feeling for having friend that care and are willing to help us and it even better when we can help and listen to them? Can you see the cycle that happening, they give to you by listening and caring, you do the same for them.
When you and your friends have this kind of relationship, you as well as them, will find life such a pleasant journey.
When our journey has great friendship it so easy to give and receive. Yes receiving because if we don’t know how to receive we are impeding life’s wonderful cycle of love. When we are in the state of love many amazing things continue to happen around us.
Why not try it. Listen to a friend, care for others and when given a gift of any kind take it with an open heart, you life will be better for it.
Happiness with wealth to you
E-mail www.dhalind@gmail.com
David is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people
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