We all have friends and some are closer to us than others, but that doesn’t matter friends are an important part of our lives. Without our friends our lives would be pretty empty.
Good friends will listen to us when we need to talk and it doesn’t really matter what we are talking about. We can go on and on and a good friend just keeps listening.
From time to time they ask a question, but they make sure that we keep on track on whatever it is we’re talking about. When we finish, if they are a good friend, they normally say something like “I understand how you feel” without a long lecture on why you should or should feel the way you do.
A good friend will go some place with you even if they weren’t going there. Partly because they like being around you and partly because they had to be some place so not be with you.
A good friend is great to have a good time with. It might be going to a party or they just stopped by to catch up on what is happening in your life.
Now with your good friend you have to do the listening from time to time. This is important and I mentioned it earlier, but I have to re -enforce it, you don’t lecture to a good friend. You can give you opinion, but not in the form of you are telling them that you have the answers and your right and that is that.
Good friend are to be chariest. Though we have many friend we can only have a very few good friends, so do all you can to keep the flame lit in your friendship with them.
Happiness with wealth to you
David is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people
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