Thank you are two very important words, but you can get more bang for your buck just by adding something to the thank you and that goes for complement also. Here is what I mean instead of just saying thank you , ad on to it something like this. Thank you for your kindness to Fido, my dog, while we were out of town.
Just by adding why you were thankful makes the person know you real care. The same goes for any complement.
Instead so just saying” Micki you look great tonight”, which is nice in itself, but I add that the new outfit she is wearing brings out the best in her. Or I could say “You really found the combination of colors that make you glow like an angel. By adding just a little more you confirm to the person that you have really noticed them in a positive and special way.
You can do the same thing with people you work with. Say thank you and then ad why you are thankful. Example I could just tell Tom thank you which again is OK, but what if I added because of his help it looks like we are going to land the big account.
When you add a why to the thank you or complement it leaves a lasting impression on the person you said it too. Do you think the next time you need their support that they are not going to help you. You bet they will because they are part of your team and you care about them. You have also shown them how important they are to you.
To just review when you say thank you add to it why you are thank you. When giving a complement add the little something extra that really makes the person feel special.
Happiness with Wealth to you
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